rank the republican candidates for president

I hate how people say, "You need to do something about it."

We are, we're talking about it here and we vote. What do you expect me to do? Quit my job and become a whack job, flying a gyro copter into the White House lawn? No, I don't feel like going to jail.

We get it, gubiments over step their reach, wanting more power trying to control the world. It's caused by the families at the top of the pyramid, which Alex Jones is trying to expose. Rush and Hannity will briefly mention them, but they mostly stay at the gubiment level ragging on Obama.

Talking about it here doesnt mean anything, because money is speach, and this place is free, so your bankrupt opinion isnt worth listening to. Your votes dont matter either unless you live in a couple key states. Its caused by the supreme court and congress.
...unfortunately most of the field are nutters.

That's not unfortunate at all; I think this election is going to be more entertaining than the last one-- Ted Cruz vows to abolish the IRS, Mike Huckabee agrees with Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson that gay marriage causes hurricanes, and Marco Rubio said "We're not nation building in Iraq. We are helping them build their nation."

I'm obviously disappointed Herman Cain isn't running, but Rick Perry is doing a very good job as a stand-in for him: "Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion."

I think this one is going to be fun. :popcorn:
It's going to be a horrible disappointment if it's Jeb vs Hillary. It's like America has given up.
Talking about it here doesnt mean anything, because money is speach, and this place is free, so your bankrupt opinion isnt worth listening to. Your votes dont matter either unless you live in a couple key states. Its caused by the supreme court and congress.

Right. If you hear some of the speeches by the junior politicians like Rubio, they're all gung ho on changing government. Then they get brainwashed by the corporate CEOs and families at the top, and stop ragging. It happened to Arnold Schwarzenegger and others who go to Washington with good intentions. They haven't brainwashed Rubio, he's still talking about changing government like Arnold did back in the day.
Right. If you hear some of the speeches by the junior politicians like Rubio, they're all gung ho on changing government. Then they get brainwashed by the corporate CEOs and families at the top, and stop ragging. It happened to Arnold Schwarzenegger and others who go to Washington with good intentions. They haven't brainwashed Rubio, he's still talking about changing government like Arnold did back in the day.

Rubio got elected because he promised to fight illegal immigration. the second he got elected, he became pro-amnesty. now that he wants to run for president, he's back to fighting illegal immigration. the man is an empty suit, a plant for establishment.
The only things spics want to do is gain office and appoint their friends and relatives positions of power.
Walker, Paul, Rubio, Cruz

I'd be happy voting for any combination of those. Bush is a fucking cocksucker and the rest are no chance for one reason or another.

I think Fiorina could be interesting because she would defeat ISIS by luring them into the low margin OEM hardware business.
Walker, Paul, Rubio, Cruz

I'd be happy voting for any combination of those. Bush is a fucking cocksucker and the rest are no chance for one reason or another.

I think Fiorina could be interesting because she would defeat ISIS by luring them into the low margin OEM hardware business.


bought and already paid for list.

Bush family and friends, father and brother were mediocre and horrible presidents in that order...so why a 3rd?

Cruz has a billionaire sugar daddy and has for a while.

Paul has no integrity since announcing and has serious baggage issues.

Rubio has his own billionaire on board.

You want change you can't keep putting the same shit in office.
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Walker, Paul, Rubio, Cruz

I'd be happy voting for any combination of those. Bush is a fucking cocksucker and the rest are no chance for one reason or another.

I think Fiorina could be interesting because she would defeat ISIS by luring them into the low margin OEM hardware business.

Walker is just Bush without the money.

Rubio is the Cuban version of Obama, no spine just goes were the wind does. Complete shill for whoever is giving him money.

Cruz is a moron.

Paul is okish 50% of the time, then he swings back towards the idiots so he doesn't lose to much support the rest of the time.

God awful Hillary versus a clown car full of empty suits and corporate shills.

God Bless America!
Paul is an apple that fell too far from the tree. He's completely unreliable.