psn is down...

Little birdy told me it was collision due to some linkage with the Steam service?
Does PS3 use Steam (for portal i am assuming)?
They better put out some free shit for this. Now for Netflix, all it takes is .1% of persistence. You go to Netflix, push X to login, and it will give you the error message, then the message saying you need to be signed in to use Netflix, then you just push X to login again, and the bars will be moving in the background, and you can see the titles pop up. You may still get the error message but Netflix will be there.
sony let someone see our credit card numbers and they are trying to think of a cute funny way to tell us
I heard that they're going to switch to a pay service similar to xbox live and this "downtime" is so they can implement it... probably BS
I heard that they're going to switch to a pay service similar to xbox live and this "downtime" is so they can implement it... probably BS

Probably? It is. They admitted they got hacked and taken down. They chose to completely turn PSN off until the attacks stop and/or they can figure out how to stop it.
It sounds like the early rumors were true then: Sony took down the network once they realized the CFW hackers managed to reprogram their consoles to gain access to the development-only PSNs*, and Sony has no idea how to tell apart dev consoles from hacked consoles.

* The dev-only PSNs are almost exactly like the public PSN, except in place of a payment backend it gives you everything for free...
made headlines on

Sony Admits PlayStation Network ‘Affected’ by External Attackers - Techland -
Sony claims its PlayStation Network was attacked by unidentified outside forces, and said that it preemptively shut the 70 million subscriber service down.

In his third update since the outage began on Wednesday evening, April 20th, Sony senior director of corporate communications and social media Patrick Seybold wrote on the official PlayStation blog that

An external intrusion on our system has affected our PlayStation Network and Qriocity services. In order to conduct a thorough investigation and to verify the smooth and secure operation of our network services going forward, we turned off PlayStation Network & Qriocity services on the evening of Wednesday, April 20th. Providing quality entertainment services to our customers and partners is our utmost priority. We are doing all we can to resolve this situation quickly, and we once again thank you for your patience. We will continue to update you promptly as we have additional information to share.

The reference to “external intrusion” implies hacking of some sort, but it's unclear yet who's responsible. Hacker group Anonymous, known for recent attempts to bring the PlayStation Network low, posted a note last night titled "For Once We Didn't Do It." The note cites Sony's European PlayStation blog as claiming the network outage may have been the result of "targeted behavior by an outside party." But those words no longer appear in any of the PlayStation EU blog's posts--currently identical to entries posted by Sony's Patrick Seybold to the U.S. version.

Anonymous acknowledges "it could be the case that other Anons have acted by themselves," but says it wasn't an official AnonOps undertaking, that the group "does not take responsibility for whatever has happened," and suggests that Sony "is taking advantage of Anonymous' previous ill-will towards the company to distract users from the fact that the outage is actually an internal problem with the company's servers."

To sum up: The PlayStation Network remains down as we head into the weekend (three days after it went dark Wednesday evening), Sony claims that outage was a voluntary and preemptive move on its part to facilitate a full investigation, and the most likely culprit claims it wasn't officially involved.

We'll keep you apprised of further developments through the weekend.

Related Tags: Anonymous, hackers, outage, playstation, playstation network, ps3, sabotage, Sony

Read more: Sony Admits PlayStation Network ‘Affected’ by External Attackers - Techland -