PS3, where the fuck are the games??

uncharted and super stardust hd are probably 2 must haves

other than those 2, you should probably look over the ps3 greatest hits for cheap games that sold well
Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
Ratchet & Clank, Tools of Destruction
Ratchet & Clank, Quest for Booty
Grand Theft Auto IV
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
Soul Caliber IV
Devil May Cry 4
Ninja Gaiden Σ

Valkyria Chronicles

I would not buy Heavenly Sword since it is very short, you can beat it in a single session :shrug:
every game i did not mention is probably multi platform
go to and look at release dates or something

ps3 fall:
socom: confrontation
motorstorm 2
PS3 people don't play games...

They just sit in the dark and jerk off, knowing that they bought the "technically superior" console.
little big planet will be out at some point.. and there is rachet and clank. But yeah, really, for GTA you should have got a 360 anyways cos that is where the extra content is for that game. And the 360 has other games to play as well.

Most games mentioned in this thread which are good are on both platforms... except those above and MGS. But i don't give a rats about MGS.
ok i've been motivated to go to blockbuster and make a game-rental account and take out heavly sword, followed by some of these other games.
MGS4, Folklore, Warhawk, GTA4, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, DMC4, Condemed 2, The Darkness, DBZ:Burstlimit, Battlefield,

Also if you have parties with a lot of friends Pain, and Calling all Cars are great games oh also SingStar with the PS Eye can be fun to video battle online with others we fire it up during parties also. Drakes Fortune, Tekken4, Soul Caliber4, Ratchet and Clank, Rock Band, Virtua Tennis and Madden are all solid as well as the older Resistence, and MotoStorm.
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there are some okay games for the ps3 now

but i think u made the wrong decision with your purchase if u actually wanted to enjoy your console for its game playing abilities

True Wii has a more FUN feel to it but it suffers from the kid aspect like all the other Nintendo consoles... Don't get me wrong I play the shit out of Mario Cart, Super Smash, and Strikers but as far as the true next gen consoles I play the PS3 more than any of the 3 systems. Plus the 1080p movies in my home theater are one helluva bonus.
you should have bought a the screen of death can pop up and they will deny repair on it and you are left with a pile of plasic and shit that will play HD DVDS!!!!