Prostitution, Sex Tourism, and you: A Q&A with Fraggle

You know, maybe someone has already mentioned this, but this thread's topic reminds me of a mediocre documentary I once saw: I Am a Sex Addict Movie Review, DVD Release -

Essentially a guy who was addicted to prostitutes and had to join a 12 step program to quit them.
i've seen this movie and it sucks ass. :sex: the neurotic lead character is so fucking annoying, it just ruins everything. the dialogue is terrible in that movie too.
it's more likely that you would produce


oh and Federe's posts make sense if any of the following is true

a) a girl he is having/wants to have sex with is reading this thread
b) said girl is actually posting w/ his account
c) he has a vagina

all of the above
Tonight me and a few buddies of mine went sc hopping. The firsr palce was quality (Cannonball in Brampton) but the last two were filled with THICK and pretty nasty chicks. What is the best way to find quality stripclubs in a given area (like Toronto) without barhopping?
Is there a site that reviews this shit?

Do you know of any quality places around Toronto? Airport area, downtown, Brampton, Sauga, Scarboro, Markham, RHill all easilly accessable.

There are regular zombie dancers that might be hot, and there there are girls that are REALLY INTO what they do, making eye contact, smiling, putting on a really hot show. What is the best way to get a blowjob or "extras" from an extra sexy dancer?

What is your opinion on stripclibs; do you find that your money is better spent elsewhere?
Hey Fraggle, I live in Montreal (where you apparently are right now) and am gonna be 17 in oct.

Care to re-live your childhood first escort experience by taking me out for some hookers?
Tonight me and a few buddies of mine went sc hopping. The firsr palce was quality (Cannonball in Brampton) but the last two were filled with THICK and pretty nasty chicks. What is the best way to find quality stripclubs in a given area (like Toronto) without barhopping?
Is there a site that reviews this shit?
reviews strip clubs and escorts in toronto.

Do you know of any quality places around Toronto? Airport area, downtown, Brampton, Sauga, Scarboro, Markham, RHill all easilly accessable.
i haven't been there personally but i've heard excellent things about the brass rail.

There are regular zombie dancers that might be hot, and there there are girls that are REALLY INTO what they do, making eye contact, smiling, putting on a really hot show. What is the best way to get a blowjob or "extras" from an extra sexy dancer?
there are a few things you need to do in order to get extras from a stripper, but none of these things will work 100% of the time for 100% of the people.

  • go on a slow night.
you tend to attract more attention and get more mileage from girls if the club is relatively empty because they'll know that they need to work harder for the money. typically sundays and mondays are very slow. the worst nights for extras are by far fridays and saturdays. i've gotten extras on weekends, but its for sure not a regular thing. :ninja

  • talk to the girl on the floor before you take her for some dances.
if a girl approaches you, points to you and says "dance?" and you agree, chances are you aren't getting any extras... and if you are they're going to cost you a LOT. if the girl sits down next to you and starts talking to you, you start to get a feel with how the booth time will go. is the girl touching you while talking to you, is she initiating contact with her legs while conversing, does she sound like she's pretending to be into you or is she way too businesslike, etc. the more relaxed the girl sounds the more likely she is to be comfortable enough with you to offer extras in the booth.

  • when discussing booth options, ask up front what to expect.
most strip clubs have more than one option. typically theres a cheaper option and a more expensive option, sometimes there are like 3 or 4 options but i won't get into that. most girls will just try to get you into the cheaper room, but you should still ask what to expect in there. if a girl tells you that contact is allowed in the booth, ask some carefully constructed questions like "how much will you be touching me?" "where will you be touching me?" "how happy will i be when i leave the booth?" "how would you rate your dancing abilities?" just general informative questions, you can learn a lot about a girl by the way she answers these. if a girl is really pushing you to go to the higher $ booth, you need to find out why. if she's being really vague, but grabbing your dick while being vague, extras are probably avail. if not, then she's gaming you hard and is a cocktease.

  • remember to let her know that you're into her, and that you WANT extras.
first of all bring condoms to the strip club. i once ended up fucking a stripper bareback because neither of us had a condom (not my finest moment). second of all compliment her. strippers are still girls and girls like to be complimented. most of the young ones have self esteem issues and like to hear how hot they are. don't use retarded lines like your eyes are so sexy, tell her how awesome her tits are and how you'd love a closer look at her bubble butt. seductive compliments, geared towards her propositioning you.

  • if she doesn't proposition you, don't be afraid to proposition her.
if you're new to this which you obviously are, you might want to get a dance from her first to see what you can get away with before you proposition her. is she letting you suck on her tits? is she letting you finger her? if you feel like she's responding well to your advances, then don't be afraid to ask her if she'd be interested in playing with your little friend. confidence is everything here, don't be a pussy... you're paying for it!

  • when she finally lists what she'll do, and says how much, never accept the first price.
yeah i know no one likes to haggle for poon, but they expect you to bargain them down a little. if a chick asks for 300 for head, she'll blow you for 200 or less. i'm just throwing out sample #s here. also never give them a tip afterwards, and expect to be rushed while fucking them or getting head. in a strip club you can't really expect to get more than 5 songs for a sex act, so keep that in mind.

  • remember to have fun!
if strippers see you're a fun guy they'll flock to you, and more often than not they'll be more open to providing extras. if you look all serious don't expect anything to happen. :gayfight:

What is your opinion on stripclibs; do you find that your money is better spent elsewhere?
i love strip clubs, and i love hookers. i spend enough money on both. they're different experiences definitely, but i enjoy them both. if you're looking to go out with some friends, drink and have a good time the strip club is the way to go. if you're looking to fuck, then its better value to just call an escort. IMO the best agency in toronto is

there is a weblisting of all strip clubs in toronto and montreal too at..


i hope this answered all your questions. happy hunting. :twist:
Hey Fraggle, I live in Montreal (where you apparently are right now) and am gonna be 17 in oct.

Care to re-live your childhood first escort experience by taking me out for some hookers?
i would have, but i actually left montreal yesterday, i live in new york. maybe next trip if you're still interested. :stab:
one last thing for Tryp: SC hopping is typically not a good idea for several reasons: cover, drink minimums, and seating issues. you should be only hitting one or two strip clubs a night, anything more than that is a waste of your money big time.
this is a difficult question to answer. the real answer is it depends on what languages you speak. if you speak russian or are travelling with a russian speaker moldova is by far the best. if you're english only i'd go with the czech republic (prague).

lol, looks like i followed your advice, im in prague right now
haha i love it, yes im not in prague hahaha fucking love being unimaginably awesome where nobody can believe my life

admins feel free to dispose my location
except i even post videos to prove most of it, but thats good that you cant believe my life, you would probably die if you knew what type of life you were missing
so apparently it is impossible for anyone in the world to travel outside of the US, nice one dwarfvader

you would have to be an ultra billionaire to buy a fucking 1k plane ticket to europe OMG CALL DONALD TRUMP