Praying mantis eats humming bird

Normally, I'd agree but I think what happened here was a member thought it would be cool to break the legs off, and then soon found out it wasn't e-cool so now the excuse was to gain attention.

Also a huge possibility. but whatever, nothing can be done about it now.
I'd have liked to see HOW a bug can catch a humming bird, those things aren't exactly slow :shock:

Mantis's are quick as fuck. I remember when I was like 8 or 9, my friend and I were looking at a mantis on his fence. Being 8 or 9, we decided to trap it in a little glass jar. The thing was standing absolutely still. A wasp flew by right as we were reaching in to grab it and the mantis snatched out and grabbed it right out of the air. It was fucking amazing but it scared the shit out of us and we dropped and broke the glass jar then wouldn't go near the damn thing.
Well yeah, but compared to a mantis, a humming bird is pretty strong. I'm really curious how it got hold of it and managed to kill it. Mantiseseses are pretty strong, but dang, I thought a bird would just be able to rip off its claws or whatever.
Well yeah, but compared to a mantis, a humming bird is pretty strong. I'm really curious how it got hold of it and managed to kill it. Mantiseseses are pretty strong, but dang, I thought a bird would just be able to rip off its claws or whatever.

The bird was probably feeding and the mantis was a statue. My guess is the bird just let its guard down.
He did not kill it, he mutilated it, thus fueling its never ending contempt for mankind and dooming us all. Right now, the legless mantis is flying on wings of pure hatred, informing the mantis hordes of what has transpired. They are preparing for war, and soon it won't just be humming birds they catch, it will be THE FESTERING INSIDES OF YOUR SLAIN CHILDREN.
Nosar, they don't eat dead things.
They eat live things.
They're famous for eating stuff that is still wriggly and pulsating.
Which your children will be.
The female is knows to eat the male after sex. Sometimes if the female thinks the male will try to run. she'll eat his head while he's humping her.

For some reason his body will continue the sex act w/o a head.