Pot Selling Question

Your friend is an idiot if he isn't going to front himself...the hassle of having to deal it wouldn't be worth the effort if he wasn't going to receive most of the profits.
Synent said:
No you should get 2/3 atleast. You're not doing anywork, but if it wasn't for you you and your dumbass friends wouldn't be getting anywhere. Hired help doesn't get shit.
ummmm no, less then half maybe 1/3 the profit. If I was doin the sellin and you asked for more then 1/2 id just say i made less and give you what ever i felt like.
i agree w/sureshot

it's very stupid to sell something like weed, which has a low profit margin, and not be the one fronting
my friend is a loser, which actually makes me a loser for being friends with him


he has nothing going for him, he dropped out of HS and thinks selling drugs is cool, he has no job, so he asked me if i could front him some money, i said i would think about it, i have a job and can come up with 550 in a little under two weeks, he's a good friend and wouldn't rip me off(saying he made less so he could give me less)
i live in maine, so a qp goes for usually 650 here but i can get a deal

BTW, i wasn't looking for this thread "to go anywhere" i just wanted answers. thanks
btw, someone who doesn't even have $500 and wants to use that money to START their business isn't someone i would put much faith into. tell him to get a job at mcdonalds for couple weeks and he'll have more than enough.
well if your friend is that much of a loser I guess he doesn't have a choice. 2/3 would be good but don't take any less than 1/2. Just make sure he doesn't smoke it all and end up paying you jack shit.
he doesn't even like smoking weed that much he just thinks he's "cool" if he sells, and if that can make me money, it sounds good to me
TechnoDonut said:
I wanna know where you can get a quap for $550. An ounce of good kind around here (MD) is ~$300
Youre shopping in a shitty area then. My friend gets an ounce of decent shwag for 70, KB is something like 175 or 200

This is in MD btw
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[OO]Machine said:
Youre shopping in a shitty area then. My friend gets an ounce of decent shwag for 70, KB is something like 175 or 200

It all depends on where you're from. FL, CA, and Canada are going to have cheaper prices than Maryland. $300/ounce is standard and accepted. Prices get lower as you buy quantity of course, but nowhere near $550/quap.
Haha, you cocksucker.

edit: Look at me, Im Gandalf!

fucking nerd.
yea seriously i get a zip for $250 and thats almost unheard of in my area

weed prices are different all over the world, and oftentimes can vary greatly even in a given city/county, so don't pretend u got a bigger dick cuz you get a deal on pot or something
TechnoDonut said:
It all depends on where you're from. FL, CA, and Canada are going to have cheaper prices than Maryland. $300/ounce is standard and accepted. Prices get lower as you buy quantity of course, but nowhere near $550/quap.
this is in MD...i edited.