Please fix 1.41 or remove it Mav I beg you.

fuck idk y i even tried to read this thread

so many big paragraphs of stuff

hen some kid said g0d bless nameste with two bracketing tildes which im gonna copyright and charge ppl 5 cent every time they use

this game is stupid and dead because libertarian stem autists would rather invest in going to mars than solving world hunger, racism, poverty or anything like that

Spaceman by Phil Ochs on The Broadside Tapes 1 - Free Music Streaming, Online Music, Videos - Grooveshark

the cia fucked with phil ochs because they thought he was promoting communism with songs like this

no1 believe him cia is fucking with him and called him crazy eventually he hung himself and later it was discovered the cia actually was fucking with him

this is what you are doing to tribes milkman and i hope u are ashamed
military gave this guy epilepsy from hidden tbi from ieds

how many soldiers kill themselves from tbi every year

we send young naive men to literally get untreatable brain damage overseas costantly

hug it out

u dont get it because it has nothing to do with me i dont give a fuck who made it

its the idea behind it that we're trying to make tribes better and you're so obliviously difficult for no reason (well maybe there is a reason)

its literally the kind of shit children do

and at this point i dont do it for the community because i hate 99% of the community

there are probably like 6 or 7 people that i actually give a shit about

if they stopped playing i'd wipe my ass with the rest of you and wouldnt miss it

and lastly 1.41 doesnt change anything that would affect you ("it feels different") but reasoning with you is worse than reasoning with a dog
man.. dis dood fo sho haf big big big false sense entitlement LELZ
fuck outchea
ok so mun no u fukkin luv ur 20 yr old fukkin peece of chit game that I pwnfukt u n other GOATs(WOATs rly) on a reggie basiss
lol so wtf... get ova uself bruh... r u azn 2 by chance??
I'll join and the stats screen says i'm using 1.41 but then my shitty ATT internet spikes, my fps drop for a few secs and boom the stats switch me as if I'm not using 1.41 and starts spamming that stupid message across my screen. If there's any way to fix this (other than new internet I'm way out in the sticks no other options) that sounds great but am I really going to have to quit pubbing a dead game b/c what I assume is another doesn't really work fix isn't quite ready for use?

question, is it a center print message? here send the pain bellow.

function remoteCP(%manager, %msg, %timeout)
   if(%manager == 2048)
         schedule("clearCenterPrint(" @ $centerPrintId @ ");", %timeout);
//      Client::centerPrint(%msg, 0);
      Client::centerPrint(%msg, 1);
      Event::Trigger(eventCenterPrint, %msg, %timeout);
function remoteTP(%manager, %msg, %timeout)
   if(%manager == 2048)
         schedule("clearCenterPrint(" @ $centerPrintId @ ");", %timeout);
      Client::centerPrint(%msg, 2);
      Event::Trigger(eventTopPrint, %msg, %timeout);
function remoteBP(%manager, %msg, %timeout) {
   if (%manager == 2048) {
      if (%timeout)
         schedule("clearCenterPrint(" @ $centerPrintId @ ");", %timeout);
      Client::centerPrint(%msg, 1);
      Event::Trigger(eventBottomPrint, %msg, %timeout);