ofn time travel site [http://johntitor.com/]

and he leaves :

Q. "If there were an infinite number of realities, then there would necessarily arise a reality that somehow causes there to be no other realities. "

Yes!! Excellent insight. I would have enjoyed a conversation on this.

I also want to thank (forum member name) for helping me with the email and everyone else who asked intelligent and insightful questions. I have learned a great deal.

No, I do not have a secret agenda but I have been paying a great deal of attention to your worldline. My interaction with you was not a direct mission parameter but it was a secondary mission protocol based on standing orders given to all temporal drivers.

That secondary objective is basically to gather as much information about a worldline based on a set of observable variables when we first arrive. Your worldline met those conditions. What amazes me is why no one here wonders why Y2K didn't hit them at all?

Bring a gas can with you when the car dies on the side of the road.



for a liar, he's fucking in depth and well versed.

the forum guys put him through the wringer, analyzing his science background and consistency, his psychological profile, his usage of the english language and how it can be construed to make him someone born not when he says he was born, etc.
cAff3iNe said:
unless i read it wrong, he not traveling back within his own 'worldline', so nothing can get fucked up with his.

read Timeline by Crichton if you havnt. [the movie looks stupid]

well, he is travelling back to his worldline, he's not traveling back to ours. (maybe thats why he doesn't care) either way, he's still an interstellar douche. funny how he keeps referencing y2k as a catastrophe that didn't hit, and how he doens't even use that a starting point for potential cuases of worldline divergence.

read: we might not have a war, because our times might be different enough already.

someone should so some research here, to see how we avoided the y2k issue. caffeine, i volunteer you!
man i am getting sucked in :

this dude John Titor is either Nostradamus or in line, or he is telling the truth :

Everything correlates to nostradamus predictions :
This link talks about nostradamus predictions in plain english and does name-translating for you in obvious places (the two greatest nations, US and Russia for example
[SHiN]AkumA said:
hey pachu... you play t1 at all anymo?

no derail intended... just wondering.

nope, cs pub star only. other than that i spend my time reworking crappy mit code for my job.
ok my final obsessed post :
This is probably the most compelling thing yet.

This is a picture taken in the fall of 2035 during my training. It shows my instructor beaming a handheld laser outside the vehicle during operation. The beam is being bent by the gravitational field produced outside the vehicle by the distortion unit. The beam is visible through smoke that is coming from his cigar.


do you guys know of anything that can bend lasers?
Ok guys, I've figured it all out, there will be no more war as John predicted. His world is too far different from ours and here are the reasons why: (this post is like using x and y to figure out z.)

The following are taken from Nostradamus world predictions.
"When the Antichrist is taking over Europe, nuclear weapons will wreak
havoc like lighting strikes, and from them a "milky rain" will occur.
Weapons currently beyond our imagination will wreak unparalleled
devastation. Corpses will litter the landscape. The very earth will
"cry out in pain". The Antichrist will be so terrible, horrible, and
powerful that the rightful rulers of countries will be utterly
terrified and will not do anything to stop his ravages. Entire
dynasties will be wiped out.

I p 254 (cIII-19)

Before the Antichrist takes over a place, he will rain down death and
destruction so that he can seize without opposition. He will travel
far from his resting place in doing this. Some of this devastation
will make past heinous events of the prior world wars "look like
child's play". Unlike Hitler's "rain of blood" he will use a "rain of
blood and milk."

Line of thinking :
Nostradamus refers to a conflict source in the middle east as a "young dark man". What if our interpretations are wrong? The antichrist becomes OUR leader, aka Dubya, and the source of middle east conflict osama bin laden.

In Nostradamus' prediction you have:
1) increasing world chaos, pollution, unrest, lack of centralized control
2) antichrist who consumes the world
3) third world war.

this is consistent with what John indicates as the future.

In our version of world, we have our "antichrist" NOT taking over europe. thus the impetus to speed towards the civil unrest that causes the eventuality of the third war evaporates. at this point, you should realize our "worldline" divergence has acquired the necessary delta to be successfully incongruent to John's retelling(read:predictions) which fall in line with Nostradamus'.

whew. no war!


A good marker that would indicate that we are still on the path for war:

Nostradamus indicates that a comet hitting the world will coincide with the killing of the antichrist, which is the trigger for war etc. Basically, if you observe a comet hitting us and Dubya is killed sometime 2004/2005, assume we will have war no later than 2015, otherwise if we have no comet/no dead Dubya, we're good.

Either way, spend time getting laid and drinking beer, you might not be able too 2 years from now.

Pacha out.

PS. No I really AM NOT a fucking nerd sci fi dork
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Wow either John based his entire future around Nostradamus or the two are pretty much the exact same world.

This can be construed to refer to the String Theory acceptance that John was talking about it, which I referred to here :

hilarious, I never watched xfiles, but i blow fox mulder out of the fucking water.

n. Scientific discoveries reaffirm Eastern religion

I p302 (cII-22)

Military scientists--not those researching weapons, but doing
research-- will discover a new force other than the basic ones of
electricity, magnetism, gravity, etc. shortly after the time of
troubles. This new force will give supporting evidence for Eastern
religious views. The countries in this part of the world,
particularly India, will "turn inward" to contemplate the discovery
and rise in greater glory than through outward communication with
other nations. It is not so much a discovery but a realization.

The evidence for the force has been in front of us bu the facts have
been misinterpreted and misassociated with other phenomena, such as
"statistical aberration". The force will relate to mystical phenomena
such as teleportation.

in fact, there is such a high degree of correlation that whatever he said doesn't matter, because either :

1) he copied it and all of it isn't true,
2) it IS true but because its different enough from us it wont happen.

i think the logic of this excites me. i love cause and effect shit. i'm good at it.
bullshit or not, its quite interesting to read. You have to think.. the ammount of study and effort he would have to put into this to make it all sound true.
There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. That conflict flares up and down for 10 years. In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective), China and Europe. The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)...thus we (in the country) won. The European Union and China were also destroyed. Russia is now our largest trading partner and the Capitol of the US was moved to Omaha Nebraska.

Probably the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
Whatever will be, will be.

You may as well try to push the earth to spin the other way as to alter the flow of events.

If it's meant to happen, it will happen. We're all just along for the ride.
I refuse to believe this. Noone that claims to be a HISTORY MAJOR would so eloquently dodge questions about the past.
I never understood why we had the capital of the free world on the edge of the ocean.

At least move it inland a little bit.