ofn time travel site [http://johntitor.com/]

Void|deadjawa said:
I cant believe how easy it was for this guy to manipulate thousands of people into believing he is a super hero time traveller from the future.

attention whore, a damn good one but still and attention whore

the picture of the 'bent' lazer looks like a fishing pole
mox said:
wow you guys are fucking retarded. what "research" did he have to do? i have read through a bunch of that shit a few times, and it is entertaining, but that's ALL it is. it contains almost NO factual information. i can make up a bunch of apocolyptic bullshit, that doesn't mean i fucking researched it. "why would he tell us to buy a bike and 3 tires?" for the same fucking reason i'm going to tell you to buy a bag of pumpkin seeds and 4 copies of Barry Manilow's greatest hits. Because he fucking made it up. Holy fucking christ. Civil war in 2005? what the fuck? Are you fucking kidding me? what in the fucking christ is going to go SO wrong with the US in the next 2 years that half the fucking country decides it's going to kill the other half? has half of the country been sleeping with the other half and gave us all genital herpes? holy jesus i can't fucking believe this.

Next time try the decaf
lol this forum is great. every other person is a time traveler looking for John using the FORUMS

what a crock of shit

at least John didn't REEK of bullshit... he at least made an entertaining story.