Officially retiring from TW thread

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wat privilege paying off my credit card debt and trying to get a job while being black listed by society for crimes against SA goons? 4 sure lul
I missed it when kura, fraggle etc left and I'm sure I'll miss it if Mitch leaves, no man is an island and Mitch is a clod that has been washed away by the sands of time and TW is the less for it - but hey ho a shit posting we will go, ask not for whom the neg rep tolls; it tolls for thee
I missed it when kura, fraggle etc left and I'm sure I'll miss it if Mitch leaves, no man is an island and Mitch is a clod that has been washed away by the sands of time and TW is the less for it - but hey ho a shit posting we will go, ask not for whom the neg rep tolls; it tolls for thee

Oh no, whatever will TribalWar do without threads for fucking hookers in 3rd world countries, WW2 planes, and Dubai.
whenever someone makes this statement, they never seem to be able to list any quality posters that have left because of it.

that's because most ppl don't leave in a huffy like mitch - they just disappear.

kurayami was a quality poster. I hated him, but he still brought the lols and content.

I never much cared for mitchdubai either. he had a pretty tired schtick but that's not an excuse to fuck with him irl. you nexting fags must have really been triggered by him.
We've bled off a lot of posters, but you only really remember the characters (orbital, fngerbang, nofix, etc.). I guess that says something (trainwrecks are memorable?). :weird:
my name is jose and i do schizophrenia raps vs tehvul in florida walmart parking lot hardcore

whoever lose gets bottled with sugar glass
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