[Official] Hearthstone

Hit ranks 5 today with less than 100 games, I'm going to make a run at legend then once its done I can actually start enjoying the game.
something i've noticed today

Trump/kripparian + other really popular streamers can single handedly affect the meta. When trump put out a video explaining some shitty dragon warrior deck with draconid crusher in it, i immediately saw a whole bunch of people trying it and sucking at it. You can do some easy climbing just by countering trump's deck of the day. It's even easier with krip because he does gimmick combo decks.
Don't think I am running trumps deck, but I am finding midrange dragon warrior very consistent. It feels much more comfortable against midrange hunter which I feel I queue into 80% of the time. Beats zoo and shaman almost every time they don't get a god draw.

I was running super strong with a tempo mage but meta seems to have countered that for the moment.

running this list give or take a card:
I guess i'll try it. Just because of deathwing.

I have enough dust for a new legendary. It's a tougher decision than usual. The three i need are:

-Bloodmage thalnos is used in most rogue decks
-cairn is used in most n'zoth decks
-leeroy is back since arcane golem nerf
bloodmage probably makes the least impact between the 3, although it is also good in mage and some druid decks too
depends on what decks you play/want to play
fuck leeroy
I guess i'll try it. Just because of deathwing.

I have enough dust for a new legendary. It's a tougher decision than usual. The three i need are:

-Bloodmage thalnos is used in most rogue decks
-cairn is used in most n'zoth decks
-leeroy is back since arcane golem nerf

They are all situational. I would say of the 3, Leeroy will be used the most. Cairne is pretty niche and generally requires a control meta.

Thalnos was my very first craft but is also situational. I'd craft Leeroy.
they ruined hearthstone with standard/wild + refusal to balance as i said they would... now all the pros are saying the same thing. ben brode is the equivalent of that ghostcrawler tard that ruined wow, who recent moved to riot... now league is ruined and everyone is quitting that.

ironically i only find wild fun... with standard being my questing grounds. its sad bliz does everything they can to demote it over standard. like making tourneys standard only.
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hearthstone will always be flawed because of the RNG aspect to the game. nerfing cards and moving to standard mode helped bring down the power level but at the end of the day, games are still determined by coin flips and draws as opposed to being determined purely by skill
I don't even grind for ranks anymore. I'm just trying to get the last of my gold heroes. I'm close with paladin, still have druid warlock and shaman i think.
After realizing Blizzard cannot do anything wrong, I decided to give this a try. I hate card games!

It's fun! HOLY SHIT! I'm playing on iOS. Is that the same as Windows desktop or what have you?
After realizing Blizzard cannot do anything wrong, I decided to give this a try. I hate card games!

It's fun! HOLY SHIT! I'm playing on iOS. Is that the same as Windows desktop or what have you?

The UI is slightly different, but the its close enough it doesn't make a difference in play.

It's an addicting game.
Yeah, Hearthstone is nothing but a mobile game for me now. It's been a while since I've bothered to open it on my PC. :weird:
Yeah, I didn't play for like a month or something.

I got back on today just to check it out...

I was beating the poop out of some warrior, then...

Game froze.

Then I remembered how much this game froze.

Buggy piece of shit game.

How can blizzard have a game this buggy? I thought they were the ones that put out functional games.
Why does it crash so often while app switching? Fuck, can I really be expected to finish a game in one instance?!
the game has not once froze on me. must be on your end.

By freeze I mean that the game "locks". I can still move my mouse and click on stuff just fine, but none of the cards can be played, and the turn timer stops moving. The game just sits there in the state it was right before I won for all eternity.

When I clicked "concede" it closed the entire game and dropped me to desktop.

Yeah, it's obviously my computer.

Everyone else on my friends list all encountering the same bugs probably have rebellious rogue desktops too.

Or it could be that a ridiculously filthy rich company raking in millions upon millions doesn't give a shit about fixing their game or making it better?

Also, please ignore the post above you which also complained about crashing. That never happened.
Hearthstone fails to connect or launch properly (playful sprites message) 95% of the time I first launch it on my computer, works just fine the 2nd time I click play after it closes though.

Always works fine on my cellphone though, only ever have connection issues based on my wifi or cell signal strength. Never have a problem with the app.
What a GG!

Can you all help me understand wild, standard, basic decks and the like?! Am I not dealing with the same cards as others who "buy" cards?