[Official] Hearthstone

i kept losing to mechwarper metaltooth. They would have enough damage on turn 3 that I would need to ice block every turn. Meaning I would need to draw enough ice blocks to play one every turn.

Ya, lost a couple where I didn't draw enough ice blocks, now I always mulligan away all fireballs. Still the best in this brawl I think. I ran into a hard counter (Kezan) once, but otherwise, nothing can really touch you. Oh... except that game Y'Sharj gave me a a curse of rafam...
For anyone using my deck, remove assassin's blade. Everyone is using ooze and harrison cus of shamans.

Here is some video of a crazy combo I had today in a ranked game:

I shadowcasted brann earlier and got 2 of him, then thaurrisan proc'd twice.

48 damage from a 16/16 cthun. Guy conceded before it could finish though.
Ladder meta seems to have stabilized after the initial release deck science. I'm at rank 9 and getting the same feeling as last season. Instead of paladin after paladin, it's now shaman after shaman. In a way, it is easier to play against because i can predict what cards will be played and it isn't as OPOP as secret paladin. I did enjoy playing against different decks though.
I built a Dragon Shaman deck that amazingly wins. 2x Lightning Storm 2x Elemental Destruction, 2x Healing Wave, HallaHeals are the base. Deathwing Dragonlord does pretty well too when Ysera and Chrommagus are in hand.
Ladder meta seems to have stabilized after the initial release deck science. I'm at rank 9 and getting the same feeling as last season. Instead of paladin after paladin, it's now shaman after shaman. In a way, it is easier to play against because i can predict what cards will be played and it isn't as OPOP as secret paladin. I did enjoy playing against different decks though.

it's still pretty wtf though. hay guise let's give one of the strongest decks a 7/7 for 4 mana... and zoo gets the 1/5 pain in the ass plus forbidden ritual while renolock gets... chogall?

i've been playing a controlly version of yogg/tempo mage which is a lot of fun though, except when i run into zoo or shaman, then it's hold on for dear fucking life and hope you draw perfectly
ranked into 5 today with this (missing only yogg at the end):



1.4 I removed a spellslinger and added doomsayer. I didn't draw it much so not sure how much of an impact it will make, really hoping it turns the tide a little vs zoo
I don't think i've lost a single game versus mage since wotog. I think they got butt fucked the hardest from losing mad scientist. I used to play tempo a lot but all the new cards are slow. I don't know how you manage with that deck. I tried a very similar one when wotog was just released and i got wrecked.
I dunno I like slower decks, I played renolock the last couple seasons. against aggro decks you need to mulligan hard for removals/early drops, even flamewaker is really not that good to have because you are guaranteed to be behind already when you play him

I'm hoping to get the occasional t2 doom t3 flame or t3 doom t4 water elly in some of the tough matchups.

rogue I just suck against because I started in sept last year and miracle rogue stopped being a thing for awhile during that time so I don't know how to play against it that well :p:
Zoo Lock is VERY strong. I Shamaned to 10, then cycled between Reno Lock, Miracle, Tempo Warrior, Control Warrior, Nzoth Pally and Hunter and de-ranked to 15. Started Zoo yesterday and up to 6. I've had 3 losses. Two to Shaman simply out drawing me and once to a Freeze Mage. Freeze Mage is a complete hard counter, I've played 2 and won 1.
Can somebody post a deck with mostly classic cards that is highly competitive. I've got 4k dust to craft a few new cards that I might need.
hit 5 with my goofy deck


wild 10x funner than standard. more diversity and the classic cheese cards like boom/shredder/challenger/etc arent really an issue as much as they used to imo... probably cuz of better cards offered through old gods.

shadowcaster such an amazing card... too bad its limited to rogue.

yay now i can play overwatch without spamming HS games before season end :boogie:
My biggest issue with standard (and its a big one) is the rock paper scissors is too definite. I play Miracle. I know Zoo and Warrior are auto losses. N'Zoth Pally is an auto win. Its just too much.

I don't think Standard is the boon everyone expected it to be. Still a ton of aggro, still 3 dominant netdecks.

Biggest issue with wild is every deck probably has Dr Boom.
Betrayal seems really strong against these endless shammy and zoo decks. I am surprised I dont see it in more rogue decks

I play rogue a lot, and I don't feel it's very strong this season. It's not that they can't win, but for Rogues, the stars really have to fucking align in order to feel in control of a game.

Rogue's caught in this weird paradigm where they need so many of their basic cards that they haven't really been able to really push for much of any new play styles. There's a handful of okayish N'zoth decks out there, but the idea of getign N'zoth to work in Rogue is such a pipe dream, it's so easily thwarted and so readily countered by so many decks that N'zoth as a card feels like dead weight, since we're committing our entire turn to nothing but a (maybe) substantial tempo swing.

But that tempo swing comes too late so often that it's hard to justify running it in the first place.

So many classes have really good answer to the N'zoth play coming from a Rogue, Entomb, Flamestrike, Brawl, lightning storm/whatever the fuck that other huge board clear is.

There's also a weird mana clash for the Rogue cards. Too often I don't feel like I have an opportunity to effectively spend my mana, where I'm spending 3 of 4, or 4 of 5. This has in effect crippled the Rogue hero power, it's why you don't see rogues running much in the way of poisons anymore. It's usually too much of a hassle or too large of a tempo loss to commit to having a weapon out, let alone buff it.

Everyone's got these rushy fucking decks that punish you harshly for not committing to tempo plays. And even Shaman has a perfectly curved set of answers for everything - their overload cards don't seem like a punishment, or come at a cost to them, as they have so many cards that fill their exact needs at just the amount of many they're now locked into.

P4nyhof's summoning stone druid. lots of fun. So far I've climbed to rank 11 with it.

I haven't felt a deck was this op since secret pally

No matter how well or badly you draw, you get combo after combo after wombo. Everything synergizes so well. It happened to me twice that the opponent concedes after i get fandral nourish