[Official] Hearthstone

Don't get me wrong, I played it for a while too but after so many games it becomes a bit bland. There isn't a whole lot of depth with the current card selection.
flavor of the month right here:


replace leeroy with another arcane shot if you want.

most games end by turn 7. just be good at doing math.

won 12 in a row with it last night

Every time I run into this deck I cringe. It's a race against the clock, to be sure, but in no way unbeatable. When I win it's extremely on the margins, by 1-2 health remaining left by the time the game's done.
i'm no good at playing rush decks. Like, do you completely ignore his minions and just hit the hero, or do you make good trades when you can?
i'm no good at playing rush decks. Like, do you completely ignore his minions and just hit the hero, or do you make good trades when you can?

Generally you go for the face.
It has to be an incredible trade to do a trade.

What rush decks are you playing, and at what rank?
I don't. I mainly just play arena cus I'm at like 2k gold. But have docked around with Reynad's low budget warrior rush deck and some hunter ones in the past.
i'm no good at playing rush decks. Like, do you completely ignore his minions and just hit the hero, or do you make good trades when you can?

This is the deck I'm currently running with in Ranked:


This deck is very flexible depending on what you need to run with at any given point. It *can* do extremely well against rush decks, especially Warlocks get absolutely trounced by this deck when played properly. I also shat on a single mage while playing this deck (went from 18 to 11 today with it).

The key to defeating a rush deck is to take the piss out of them by tackling all their shit as it comes. Favorable trades, of course, but also cards that can pull double duty. The game can be decided in the second or third turn alone as to who will win.

This deck's weaknesses are that it has no hard removal (since they nurfed Tinkmaster), save for The Black Knight, and no slimes for weapon removal. It also has no quality two drops, it doesn't rely on them. Instead it relies on either popping Wild Growth to boost your mana level as a turn two play, and dropping a 4 cost on turn 3.

The one deck type that I have struggled a bit with this deck is aggro warrior with multiple weapons. Unless I can push for adequate face damage in the early game then I'm probably going to lose. The goal is to put them in a position where they must deal with your creatures over theirs.

In a way, this deck works really well because it can function as either an aggro deck or a control deck as needed. With some rush in the mid to late game as needed.
It was released but it was in the middle of the last test season (they end when the month ends). My guess is they could extend the seasons to be longer than a month now.

TB put this up a few days ago. Had a visit from Crendor and they decided to play really stupid, silly constructed decks. Best of 3 with "secret decks", and the same with "bounce decks". The bounce decks are pretty hilarious, though I'm sure this was done before.
bros u think its viable to take very little 4-5 drops in arenadraft and go for late and earlygame minions? then just play much little people midgame. maybe the deck needs to have some sort of removal midgame tho. that might be sketchy to rely on in draft. idk

id try it out but i cant spare the 150g :<
thats what i do on druid and wreck nerds

stack a ton of huge taunt doods + removal and few utility doods for early game
got another legendary from my daily quest gold today :banana:

for the first time in many many months i slept through the entire night.
woke up for the first time in many many months with no shoulder pain.
won all the ranked games with my hunter to get my 100g for a pack.

i already had it so 400 dust.