[NZ] mosque shooting

Wising up to the JQ is not difficult at all.

If you just keep your eyes open and start to notice the consistent coincidences, there is no going back.

No such things exists as someone becoming aware of the JQ...then reverting back. You can't unsee this or put it back in the box. Once you are aware of the JQ that will stay with you for life, and it changes your perspective on so much.

Simple example, the JQ and the gun debate:
Left and right wing always argue about gun crime. The left says more gun laws will reduce gun crime. The right says less gun laws will reduce gun crime. This debate goes on forever. I use to be a part of this debate.

Then you realize that gun crime has a higher correlation with the presence of blacks and hispanics in a community than it does guns. It's not about the amount of guns AT ALL, it's about demographics.

Answer this question: What would be more likely to increase gun crime in Japan, a nation with few guns?
A) Flood Japan with guns
B) Flood Japan with blacks and hispanics?

Who brought all the back people to America? Who dominated the American slave trade? Who is advocating for open borders for America today to brown America even further? It's (((them.)))

So you have a classic left Vs right debate, and then start to realize that both sides have it wrong. The jew is the "winner" of that debate because he has convinced the left and right that he does not exist and he is not responsible for any of it. It's sneaky, subversive, and most of all...typical.

It's all about demographics, and how the jew will change demographics to make for a worse society. That's a small example, but I could go on.
Jews are just garbage fucking "people" who should be tossed feet first into woodchippers, then fed to the pigs.
speaking of misusing the term kiwi

absolute internet level abuse

NZ Police Demand "Kiwi Farms" Message Board Preserve "IP Addresses" And "Email Addresses" Following Massacre

New Zealand police have sent notice to the owner of the Kiwi Farms internet message board demanding the preservation of IP addresses and email addresses associated with posts related to the Christchurch shootings, believed to have been committed by 28-year-old Australian Brenton Tarrant.

"At around the time of the shooting there were a number of posts and links posted on kiwifarms.net relating to the shooting and TARRANT," reads the letter from Senior Sergeant New Zealand Police detective John Michael. "We would like to preserve any posts and technical data including IP addresses, email addresses etc linked to these posts pending a formal legal request."

"Could you please advise what legal process you require for this request and also confirm preservation of the data requested pending legal process," the letter concludes.


Nick Monroe on Twitter:

Responding to the preservation request, Kiwi Farms owner Joshua Moon - a US citizen living abroad, asked "Is this a joke? I'm not turning over information abouit my users. The person responsible for posting the video and manifesto PDF is myself."

Tell your superiors they're going to make the entire country and its government look like clowns by trying to censor the Internet. You're a small, irrelevant island nation barely more recognizable than any other nameless pacific sovereignty. You do not have the clout to eradicate a video from the Internet and you do not have the legal reach to imprison everyone whose posted it. If anyone turns over to you the information they're asking for they're not only cowards, but they're fucking idiots.


If you're wondering, no. Kiwi Farms has nothing to do with New Zealand. Our name is a pointed jab at some of the mushmouthed autistic people we make fun of. Absolutely nothing about our community is NZ oriented.

I mean and the shit hits keep coming.....no end in sight or even on a web site.

Is this really true? did the suspects really flee to Israel? Get Asylum? I need a link sorry not to believe just too surreal.

The fifth suspect of Christchurch shootings has defected to Israel Intellectual Observer

A suspect confronted the court, two other under investigation; reports about another suspect who left for Israel faces the silence of authorities.


Mossad spy ring 'unearthed because of Christchurch earthquake' - Telegraph

The Israeli secret service Mossad has been accused of conducting an intelligence-gathering operation in New Zealand which was unearthed because of February's Christchurch earthquake.


neo nazis blaming everything wrong in the world on (((them)))

apparently I don't even need to name them....say their name anymore




they brag about it over on Harreetz and can't stop gloating about what they do on the internet. All I have to do is repost..>FW>FW>FW

Turkey Claims NZ Mosque Shooter Previously Entered Country For "Assassination" Attempt

In an apparent attempt to capitalize on the horrific terror attack on two New Zealand mosques which left 49 dead and dozens more wounded, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has claimed the gunman, 28-year-old Australian national Brenton Tarrant, had targeted Erdogan, Turkey, and "the whole Muslim world" in a speech on Friday.

World traveling Mossad agent discussion really starting to heat up I see.

No wonder they need to shut all internet discussions down ASAP

Maybe absent can explain this hard on with Breivik style killers and lose linked Mossad support....because anyone who even speaks his name on the internet or watches a documentary about the guy gets this same list treatment (read about LT. Christopher Hassan). I would hate to see how deep this rabbit hole to zion goes if I actually gave it any real time or effort.
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The fifth suspect of Christchurch shootings has defected to Israel Intellectual Observer


Mossad spy ring 'unearthed because of Christchurch earthquake' - Telegraph


apparently I don't even need to name them....say their name anymore




they brag about it over on Harreetz and can't stop gloating about what they do on the internet. All I have to do is repost..>FW>FW>FW

Turkey Claims NZ Mosque Shooter Previously Entered Country For "Assassination" Attempt

World traveling Mossad agent discussion really starting to heat up I see.

No wonder they need to shut all internet discussions down ASAP
ok, so (((they))) made your 'tism tick

but why do u always refuse to address the allegations that you've got the big gay?
sometimes u wonder if dutch is smarter than these two double dongers of reee and tism

when they prove they have lower comprehension and reading capacity than Goshin ffs

Wising up to the JQ is not difficult at all.

If you just keep your eyes open and start to notice the consistent coincidences, there is no going back.

No such things exists as someone becoming aware of the JQ...then reverting back. You can't unsee this or put it back in the box. Once you are aware of the JQ that will stay with you for life, and it changes your perspective on so much.

Simple example, the JQ and the gun debate:
Left and right wing always argue about gun crime. The left says more gun laws will reduce gun crime. The right says less gun laws will reduce gun crime. This debate goes on forever. I use to be a part of this debate.

Then you realize that gun crime has a higher correlation with the presence of blacks and hispanics in a community than it does guns. It's not about the amount of guns AT ALL, it's about demographics.

Answer this question: What would be more likely to increase gun crime in Japan, a nation with few guns?
A) Flood Japan with guns
B) Flood Japan with blacks and hispanics?

Who brought all the back people to America? Who dominated the American slave trade? Who is advocating for open borders for America today to brown America even further? It's (((them.)))

So you have a classic left Vs right debate, and then start to realize that both sides have it wrong. The jew is the "winner" of that debate because he has convinced the left and right that he does not exist and he is not responsible for any of it. It's sneaky, subversive, and most of all...typical.

It's all about demographics, and how the jew will change demographics to make for a worse society. That's a small example, but I could go on.

speaking of that I see David Hogg......aka David (((Green))) from Parkland is going to New Zealand to march with these muzzies about gun violence and promote further gun confiscation (in a land where it is already illegal to own or posses anything this shooter had)

purely coincidental of course.......not at all funded field trip by Bloomberg gun grabbing network
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i do

please don't let anyone say you are the biggest dope and clown show on this forum

not even close as long as the blacklivesmatter fister sisters stay here
Wait how long was buddy's manifesto? And he didn't mention Jews? What kinda white supremacist is that lmao

New Zealand Attack Meant to Deflect Global Attention from Gaza, Yemen: US Analyst

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A former US army psychological warfare officer and counter-terrorism analyst described Friday’s massacre in New Zealand as a ‘Zionist operation’ aimed at drawing the global attention away from other ongoing massacres in the world, including those in the Gaza Strip and Yemen.


“This attack seems to be trying to enrage Muslims around the world and motivate them to take revenge acts for this shooting,” Scott Bennett, the American counter-terrorism analyst, told Tasnim on Saturday.
“This of course would play into the Zionist-Mossad intelligence services which benefits from a war between Muslims and the West, and can use this renewed conflict to set the stage for a conflict against Iran, the conquest of the Golan Heights by Israel, and the Netanyahu military strikes against Gaza and Syria; as well as the Saudi Arabian attacks on Yemen”.
The analyst stressed, “Conveniently, this shooting event in New Zealand seems to be drawing the eyes of the world away from the other events in the world as well”.

Brave man. He will be out of a job soon enough.

Wait how long was buddy's manifesto? And he didn't mention Jews? What kinda white supremacist is that lmao

Like 70-80 pages.