[NZ] mosque shooting

loool mun dun dlded n shared dat fukkn sh00tn vidya all dafuqqqqqq ovaaaaaaa fuqchugondooo chit new zeeland ? ? smdh lol :jester:
If I wanted to really fuck a country...


and the plot thickens.......

people have been wondering why he brought up every aspect of Chan culture but the JQ

Is this really true? did the suspects really flee to Israel? Get Asylum? I need a link sorry not to believe just too surreal.
Drone victims 'radicalised' at mosque in Christchurch
The parents of a man killed by a drone in Yemen say he was "radicalised" in Christchurch. But preachers at the city mosque say they are moderates.

Christchurch's Muslim leaders say they are shocked and "disturbed" by claims two men killed in a drone strike in Yemen were introduced to radical Islam at their mosque.

Australian Christopher Havard, 27, and dual New Zealand-Australian national Daryl Jones were killed by a missile fired by a US drone in November.

Australia's ABC news yesterday reported the pair had been on an Australian Federal Police watchlist because of their links to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) terror group.

"When he moved into the mosque he realised what they were trying to convert people to. That's when he left and went to Dunedin. He didn't agree with what they were teaching," they said.

The then-imam of the Christchurch mosque, Hisham el Zeiny, said he had "never seen any signs of radical Islam" in Christchurch.
Of course, he never saw any signs of radical Islam. That's because there is no such thing as moderate Islam.
Muslim Association of Canterbury president Mohamed Jama said Havard was "always in the mosque" during the two years he lived in Christchurch and seemed to be a "normal man".

Dr Mohammad Alayan, a former senior member of the Christchurch Mosque, said claims of radical Islam in Christchurch were "not true".

"The mosque in Christchurch is very against that. Islam is all about peace."

All about peace... that's a good one.
They are all about peace. Towards themselves.

When the goal to kill all infidels and convert everyone to Islam is complete, I suppose we'll have peace on Earth.
28 Parkland Students Traveled to Christchurch, New Zealand to Attend a Summit on Youth Activism
"Following the Parkland shooting, students in New Zealand held their own marches in support of the students marching against gun violence, even though their country already has strict gun laws compared with those of the U.S. To own a firearm in New Zealand, individuals must submit an application to the police department, pay an application fee, have their background checked, take part in a firearms safety program, and undergo a police interview."

“These are people who don't experience gun violence at all like we do,” Tarr says. “But they still considered it important enough that they went out there and they marched.”
^ A few months ago.

Former White House adviser John Podesta praises 'superstar' Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
^ Last week.

They absolutely don't want young White men (or old) seeing how easy and fun it is to kill their oppressors. That's the reason they're suppressing this.

Violence is the way forward. Watch what "they" actually fear. It sure isn't voting.
lol wtg josh moon, tell those dirty land thieving racist white uk expat oppressors of the maori what's up re: respectability of their "country" and "government"
I have not read the full manifesto yet, but from what I hear the shooter never mentions (((them?)))

Yet it's all about immigration into white society? And he fancies himself a white nationalist from 4/8chan, and no mention of (((them?)))

Needless to say, this is extremely suspicious.
It should take less time to read your manifesto than to watch your attack from beginning to end. That should be a rule.
So I remember from 15 years ago what 4chan was all about. But wtf is 8chan?

8Ch is ran by different people, no correlation to 4Ch.

4Ch's /pol/ has very little moderation, but sometimes weird stuff happens like censorship that just comes in random waves. For example, when gamergate was going on all the threads were deleted.

8Ch is even less moderated than 4Ch, but has a smaller user base. The politics of 8Ch is not that different though, and Id say 8Ch probably has more mature posters/less shitposters.

8Ch is the understood backup of where everyone from 4Ch's /pol/ will go if censorship ever gets too bad.

Both communities hate immigration, but both communities see the issue a lot more clearly than other online groups because they focus more on (((who))) is behind the immigration. Which is why it's completely bewildering that this shooter would supposedly be radicalized in those communities, yet not mention (((them))) a single time in the manifesto. Anyone who reads 4Ch or 8Ch even lightly finds this extremely suspicious.