[NFL] Favre says he's not coming back

I hate favre, always have, but that's why I enjoy watching his games, to see him fail. I think it sucks because now I won't have anyone to root against.
im from wisconsin. ive watched favre all my life.

he once could pretty much do it all.

but then he stopped the vicodin. all downhill from there. haha
Some slut has pictures Of his cock he sent her, deadspin has it

Peter king is getting the lube ready to rub one out like he has never done before

Some slut has pictures Of his cock he sent her, deadspin has it

Peter king is getting the lube ready to rub one out like he has never done before


Saw this earlier. Thinking about making it a separate thread. Read this shit immediately.
Uhh he had arguably his best season ever last year(minus his last drive of the playoffs).

But as a Vikes fan I'm confused. I have no idea what to think. I think Rosenfels is worthless(7 intercepts in 3 scrimmages thus far) but I think T-Jack might be the go to guy. We also have a damn good rookie.


T-Jack will never be a good pro QB. What has he ever done to make anyone think this way?

Rosenfels is born to be 2nd string.

Regarding Favre, 10 years from now nobody will give a shit that he hopped around at the end of his career. Joe Montana getting pushed out for Steve Young and going to KC was ugly at the time, and nobody cares anymore. He's just remembered as a 49er hero and part of the Bill Walsh era.

The only way anyone will care about the end of Favre's career is if he comes back and pulls off a Superbowl victory.

I'm a lifelong Packer fan. Favre was fun to watch, won a Superbowl, and took a helluva beating playing for the Packers. I appreciate the blood, sweat, and tears the guy put into the game. At the end, he and management had a disagreement and he moved on with his career. Shit happens. If I met him today, I'd shake his and thank him for all the good times.
the only thing I heard about his text messages was he said "This is it."

How they interpret that as "I'm retiring", I don't know.

He's just fucking with the media.