Next Generation Xbox - May 21st

the price is fine...people are making it sound like its groundbreaking. It includes the kinect and cheaper than the ps3 was. It will sell fine.

agreed - people too soon to forget that the PS3 was $599 at launch. Xbox One will still sell like hotcakes - i don't care much about the price difference - still pissed off about the always online requirement for single player games.
There's enough consumerist sheep that the Xbone will sell just fine. The 360 sold just fine and that's with everyone knowing that they had great odds of being bricked in less than 6 months.
There's enough consumerist sheep that the Xbone will sell just fine. The 360 sold just fine and that's with everyone knowing that they had great odds of being bricked in less than 6 months.

you're underestimating the average gamer I think, especially when given the option of a PS4 (assuming they don't fuck up too)

shit may have flown in the xbox and 360 days, when gaming was slowly becoming mainstream.. but it's been half a decade now, the average consumer gamer is slightly less stupid and slightly less willing to put up with bullshit than he was in 2006 or whatever


fuckin Sony is having a field day with this, and they're right on the ball

let me be the first to welcome our new Sony overlords, winner of console generation 2013
I wouldn't say 360 buyers were sheep. We didn't know the failure rate until after the fact. People stuck with them because they were under warranty. It isn't like "runs as hot as a toaster oven" was written on the box.

Once they fixed that, the 360 was/is a very nice console. The changes to the new one doesn't retroactively make the 360 evil.

It will be interesting to see if this sways people. I think a lower price with DRM would have been fine, but a higher price on top of that?
you're underestimating the average gamer I think, especially when given the option of a PS4 (assuming they don't fuck up too)

shit may have flown in the xbox and 360 days, when gaming was slowly becoming mainstream.. but it's been half a decade now, the average consumer gamer is slightly less stupid and slightly less willing to put up with bullshit than he was in 2006 or whatever

You're underestimating brand loyalty in the average gamer I think.

I'm not sure what the final total of console sales of the current generation are, last I saw PS3 and 360 were relatively even in sales, with the Wii ahead of both. However given that the PS3's pricepoint was ridiculously high, and that the 360 had a year's head start, it's clear to me that Sony has edged out MS in the previous round. MS won't give up though, even if they get obliterated in this next generation.
If they get obliterated in this next generation they won't be coming back

Nintendo was the leading console manufacturer for like, 15 years.. and all it took was the Wii to fuck them up. It wasn't even like it had poor sales or something, financially it was successful.. but the company lost all credibility afterwards.

Now they're pushing out this horrendous Wii U garbage, the 3DS, they're trying to get people to trust them again, and it's just not working. They took a wrong turn at one point and it's basically become a nosedive no matter how fun/good the hardware actually is.

I see MS going this way this generation/the next.
it takes a quick one-time pre or post-install authentication to ensure nobody is "pirating" the game, especially on a fucking console where you can't just go in and start editing/playing around with files. put cd in, install/authenticate, either someone else is using the key or its yours, play forever

there's absolutely no reason for this 24 hour bullshit, you're just a loser nerd


and no way good way to buy/sell cd-keys? hm I'm sure an enormous company like Microsoft could probably put together a reliable service for it on their own fucking console

Person A installs game on their console, then sells it to person B. Person B is now owner, but person A keeps their console offline and continues to play. Person B then sells to person C, and does the same as person A...continuing to play.

At the end of the day, it would be possible to have multiple uses of the game running (albeit offline). This is a massive no-no for publishers, so MS had to seal the hole.

Do I think it's a perfect system? No. Do I think it's as horrible as the half-wrong rumors have made it out to be? No.

Yes, MS could create a method for selling CD keys (that are built into the CD)...that is what they've done. People like you are crying about it.
Nintendo is a bad example, they make a profit on everything they sell they've just settled as only doing "nintendo-ish" things from here on out and don't really care about competing with MS and Sony. They aren't a dismal failure, they just don't give a shit about people who care about anything outside of Nintendo games.
derp derp I'm a retarded nerd

I think you missed the part about needing the cd-key to authenticate/install, which solves all the problems you listed and only requires you to be online once and only once when you install the game in theory


go back and read it again you fuckwit
Nintendo is a bad example, they make a profit on everything they sell they've just settled as only doing "nintendo-ish" things from here on out and don't really care about competing with MS and Sony. They aren't a dismal failure, they just don't give a shit about people who care about anything outside of Nintendo games.

pretty sure Wii U and 3DS have been straight losses for Nintendo actually
You're underestimating brand loyalty in the average gamer I think.

With no backwards compatibility on either console, there isn't a whole lot of reason to stay with one over another. Now, if my Arcade library transferred over, that would be a different story.

Other than some friends, there really isn't much tethering me to one brand.
agreed - people too soon to forget that the PS3 was $599 at launch. Xbox One will still sell like hotcakes - i don't care much about the price difference - still pissed off about the always online requirement for single player games.
I think their missed opportunity was to use 24hr cert check for installed games and no online check if disc is in the drive. It makes sense but the publishers lose out on "used game" revenue.

Which again begs the question: who asked for the DRM and why not Sony?
I think you missed the part about needing the cd-key to authenticate/install, which solves all the problems you listed and only requires you to be online once and only once when you install the game in theory


go back and read it again you fuckwit

Checking once does nothing if the game is sold. If you never check again after first use, you never know if/when the account still owns the game or has sold it. You could just load a game, then sell it the same day...and keep playing the game?

Not requiring the disc has changed the way games have to be used. Xbox One games are basically all digital download. All the disc does is skip the download part. Ownership of physical games is the same as ownership of digital downloads.
uhhh does anyone else get the feeling Caswell is autistic

Checking once does nothing if the game is sold. If you never check again after first use, you never know if/when the account still owns the game or has sold it. You could just load a game, then sell it the same day...and keep playing the game?
then the other person can't play it because you're still using the cd-key

ergo microsoft introduces a service whereupon everyone knows they need to be getting transferred keys with their physical media, or just going purely digital in the first place and not bothering at all with discs

it's not complicated unless you're retarded, which you apparently are?
Steam has master servers available and a server browser in the Steam client for any game that uses Steamworks to handle servers. Developers are free to use the Steamworks API to display the server browser in-game too.

cool - guess its just something i never use for the few games I play so i dont even recall the functionality being there. :weird:

also obibun is a real loser and wrong about everything gg
it's almost like there's never been a digital distribution service offered which had DRM for games and yet everybody was completely satisfied with and allowed you to still play them offline

and in the industry most well known for rampant piracy to boot

did they ever do anything like that and was it successful? I'm not sure

clearly microsoft is treading new ground here in this "stopping people from pirating games" experience