Next Generation Xbox - May 21st

steam was complete shit when it first came out

you have a horrible memory

and people absolutely hated it, and whined online saying it would destroy the industry, etc. Steam was not universally loved when it came out, quite the opposite. I remember buying Orange Box on DVD and getting home and wondering wtf this Steam shit was. (now the thought of actually buying physical media on PC is funny)
steam was complete shit when it first came out

you have a horrible memory

complete shit in that it didn't do anything other than provide a server browser for half-life games

and it wasn't even "shit" at the time, it was just a big shift from people who had since the beginning been using their in-game server browsers for anything and everything, suddenly being forced to use an external program

nerds will rage about anything, Steam was fine, it was a big change at first and then it got bigger, and now it runs the PC gaming industry and it does so benevolently

bam, sounds like you need to brush up on how to be successful
Got Haggis has been more insightful than 90% of the other posters in these threads.

Just to echo other sentiments:
* Switch to PS4 even though most friends are on XBL? Sure, because they will switch too.
* Do all of my friends own a Kinect? Yes
* Do any of them use the Kinect, like as in ever? No.
* Do I care about DRM? No. You consumerists are bandwagon jumping tards and dont truly care either.
* Will I let the lower price and no DRM be a tie break in my purchasing decision? Yes.
* Will I buy an XBONE later after a price drop and a Halo Release. Probably :/
Why would that require 24-hour check-ins? You've been able to download full games via Xbox LIVE and PlayStation Network for the whole last generation without any kind of online checking.

It doesn't. But the way Microsoft has it set up, during those checkups it will update all your games/system so you don't have to do that on start-up. This is a huge benefit and a step forward for the entire market.

The only problem with this for some people is that the check-ups are mandatory. That isn't a problem for their target audience, though. This is why I think people are making too big of a deal about it. It will certainly shaft a few people, but I'd say something like 95%+ won't ever have a problem with this (as long as it goes smoothly with no hiccups).

The biggest reason I think Sony will win out among the average consumers is the price tag and always connected Kinect shit.
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nobody felt that way about Steam, idiot

nerds will rage about anything, Steam was fin[/OPINION]

steam was complete shit when it first came out. buggy, horrible friends list functionality, and forced you to use their platform for games, which may be commonplace now, but was annoying back then given how buggy the platform was....and i think it forced you to be online to launch HL2. which was kind of a big deal back in 2004.

you have a horrible memory

and people absolutely hated it, and whined online saying it would destroy the industry, etc. Steam was not universally loved when it came out, quite the opposite. I remember buying Orange Box on DVD and getting home and wondering wtf this Steam shit was. (now the thought of actually buying physical media on PC is funny)
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lmao there you have it folks

kid's probably 18 and thinks he can get away with lying about being 21

and this is why your xbone sells, because 18 year old morons are avidly supporting it

kids who will talk and compare things to Steam despite the fact they're too young to remember wtf Steam was and how it came to be

history lessons from the youth
by my calculations if you're telling the truth, you were 11 when Steam came out

more than likely you were probably like 8

either way you're talking about shit you have no concept of, so shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down

I don't tell you how to fall off a skateboard and listen to music loudly on the bus do I?
Consumers took a big hit from the 360 though. Games were stifled as the 360 took centre platform for it's poor hardware and DVD. Multiplatform games suffered, especially on PC. The DLC model born from this generation is crap. Paying to play your console online is crap. Developers were stifled by the 360's policies, for an example look at Team Fortress 2 on PC and then the 360.

Imo consumers were better off without the 360 setting ludicrous trends which are now here to stay. Even PS4 has pay to play online now.

I can't think of a single positive Microsoft bought last gen.

their surface tablet is a hp touchpad-like disaster, windows 8 has absolutely killed pc and laptop sales, windows phone is a non-factor, and now they want to annihilate the home console market with an incredibly insane xbone release. every product they release is an abject failure designed to copy or clone a more successful competitor.
like I said about Steam, nerds like Eggi will Kersosene who play more video games than have social interaction probably raged about Steam back in the day

because like myself we all grew up playing games that had server browsers built in and the entire concept of requiring an external program, at a time when PCs were barely fast enough to multitask, was outrageous

but in the end it was good for everyone and as soon as nerds let their rage boners fade they realized how beneficial it was and let's face it 10 years later it's basically kept the entire industry alive

xbone does none of this, xbox live for 360 was the pinnacle, they charged you for it, and they're only making it less user friendly and more restrictive from here on out. it's not a step forward. it's a big step back, and one that 20 year old morons like this kid are too young to realize is shitty and not just a temporary "you'll get used to it"
by my calculations if you're telling the truth, you were 11 when Steam came out

more than likely you were probably like 8

either way you're talking about shit you have no concept of, so shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down

I don't tell you how to fall off a skateboard and listen to music loudly on the bus do I?

by my calculation you were probably in the 1st of your 10 yrs in undergrad when steam came out. and seeing as it took you like 10 yrs to finish a bachelors degree in linguistics, its not surprising you cant seem to remember how fucking terrible steam was back then.
Obibun you were like 14 when Steam came out.

15 I think

regardless 14-15 is the age you tend to do most of your gaming, at least unless you're a hapless nerdvirgin for the rest of your life

but I'm not going to sit here and let some kid who was like 10 fucking years old when Steam came out, tell me about how Steam was when it came out

get off my lawn you fuckin kids
edit: nvm was thinking web browser hah
i was like who the fuck would ever use an in game web browser

i dont even remember steam providing server browser functionality (have they ever done this?), i just remember it forcing you to load games through there and the friends list never fucking working so you'd have to im ppl over icq with the server you were on and shit like that
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was that sarcasm

p sure even tribes was built around an in game server browser

you know, the game that started this forum that you've been a part of for 10 years

yeah that one
It doesn't. But the way Microsoft has it set up, during those checkups it will update all your games/system so you don't have to do that on start-up. This is a huge benefit and a step forward for the entire market.
What are you talking about? It sounds like you're just speculating to me, especially considering that it isn't using a 'check in' system in the first place — it's a 24-hour timer that starts once you lose your connection.

As for those supposed steps forward, the PS3 can already automatically download system and game updates even while the console is turned off. It can even turn itself on if any updates are available and download them overnight.