Next Generation Xbox - May 21st

People like you are why corporations continue to attempt to fuck consumers up the ass. You take it, smile, and say "Once more, please. Here's 500 dollars."

I'm sure that's how you felt about Steam's DRM and no used sales too at first.

If it would be beneficial to me, it would be beneficial to a lot of people. I'm not saying I'm getting the stuff, I won't be buying either console (and if I did, it would be the PS4 specifically for the price and graphics). I'm just telling you how a lot of people would look at this.
Hey remember when all you had to worry about from an Xbox was a 40% chance of system failure and the occasional house fire? Good times.
I'm sure that's how you felt about Steam's DRM and no used sales too at first.

If it would be beneficial to me, it would be beneficial to a lot of people. I'm not saying I'm getting the stuff, I won't be buying either console (and if I did, it would be the PS4 specifically for the price and graphics). I'm just telling you how a lot of people would look at this.

nobody felt that way about Steam, idiot

I'm not even pro or anti xbone, but trying to compare it to steam is idiocy

steam had a few games at first (half-life series, valve) and everyone was like eh why not it's a decent server browser

then they started rolling out a store which included a couple other games, then got massively into indie, and suddenly people were clamouring for them to get mainstream titles on steam so they wouldn't have to worry about physical purchases and lost cd keys

Steam came out of nowhere and let people accept it gradually, and unlike Origin or these other garbage ones it wasn't just some shell bullshit with a store attached, they actually tried (and succeeded) in improving the PC gaming experience. workshops, greenlight, huge sales, actual friends lists that are functional and allow you to join in, and making the whole "buying PC games digitally" experience a really well polished and popular model

xbone offers almost none of this and makes you check-in every 24 hours for the privilege
nobody felt that way about Steam, idiot

I'm not even pro or anti xbone, but trying to compare it to steam is idiocy

steam had a few games at first (half-life series, valve) and everyone was like eh why not it's a decent server browser

then they started rolling out a store which included a couple other games, then got massively into indie, and suddenly people were clamouring for them to get mainstream titles on steam so they wouldn't have to worry about physical purchases and lost cd keys

Steam came out of nowhere and let people accept it gradually, and unlike Origin or these other garbage ones it wasn't just some shell bullshit with a store attached, they actually tried (and succeeded) in improving the PC gaming experience. workshops, greenlight, huge sales, actual friends lists that are functional and allow you to join in, and making the whole "buying PC games digitally" experience a really well polished and popular model

xbone offers almost none of this and makes you check-in every 24 hours for the privilege

I don't know which people you're talking about. Steam wasn't universally acclaimed like it is now. The huge sales are relatively new and so is Greenlight (which right now sucks, which Valve acknowledges).

The 360 always had a great working friends list/join abilities (one of the reasons why it beat out Sony). XBLA was good for a while with their indie titles which competed with PC standard prices. I hear now that they've gone down hill and stuff is too expensive.
you sound like you're fucking 16 and are too young to know anything about Steam

which you probably are seeing as you're a vet^1
I hope xbox didn't shoot themselves in the foot with the DRM shit. It really doesn't bother me in the least but I'm not gonna buy one if its pretty clear they're DOA this generation.

The DRM didn't bother me, but now when I have a choice between DRM an no DRM?

It feels a lot like the PS3/360 situations reversed. Sony was arrogant and thought their users would stay loyal, even at a higher price. Of course the 360 came out earlier and cheaper and people jumped ship like crazy.

Will people again? I could see at least decent numbers doing so. Seeing as neither console is backwards compatible, there's little reason to stay with one just for my old library.

The only thing holding me to Xbox is all my friends. It will be interesting to see how many will want to switch or stay.
Regarding the Kinect thing, I know a lot of people who bought a Wii. Guess how many of them actually used it beyond the initial novelty factor? Guess who many Kinect owners actually used it beyond the initial novelty factor?

These devices are destined to gather dust. A complete waste of time and Microsoft's inability to see it is sad, especially considering that even Nintendo who pioneered the shit has already given up on it.
Yuh Haggis, I find it a bit weird that someone so tech-informed would stick with MS after all this recent stuff.

Just out of curiosity, how many people is the "all" you know who have XB360s + Kinect?
Steam came out of nowhere and let people accept it gradually, and unlike Origin or these other garbage ones it wasn't just some shell bullshit with a store attached, they actually tried (and succeeded) in improving the PC gaming experience. workshops, greenlight, huge sales, actual friends lists that are functional and allow you to join in, and making the whole "buying PC games digitally" experience a really well polished and popular model

xbone offers almost none of this and makes you check-in every 24 hours for the privilege

Never requiring the disc, after first use, is a fairly big step forward for console gaming. It's also part of the reason for requiring 24 hour check ins.

I don't understand the Kinect hate. MS has stated that you can turn it off.
Never requiring the disc, after first use, is a fairly big step forward for console gaming. It's also part of the reason for requiring 24 hour check ins.

I don't understand the Kinect hate. MS has stated that you can turn it off.

The fact that it still has to be plugged in (has that been officially confirmed?) is a space problem.
Never requiring the disc, after first use, is a fairly big step forward for console gaming. It's also part of the reason for requiring 24 hour check ins.

except it's not a big step forward, because why are you bothering to go out and buy the disc if you're not even going to make any use of it

they've basically taken away all the advantages of physical media, and given you none of the convenience (for example, not having to go out to a store and buy a fuckin copy)

the 24 hour check-in thing is a joke. you sound like a moron, "this is why they require check-ins"
i would rather support an american company

wat? patriotism is now an important factor in the vidya game market? did we move to japan all of a suddeN?

The complete incompetence & mismanagement of premier vidya game intellectual properties by suits & ties has been demonstrated again and again when hundreds of millions of dollars of sales combine with some sort of DRM plagued unplayable launch to trigger a grassroots/super bandwagony rage train of internet hate that results in media coverage and massive social media spam

Starting with DLC finished intime for release for all AAA games
Rising with mass effect 3
You could feel waves with diablo 3
Starting to peak with sim city 2013
Hilariously sad & true with xbone's tv/sports reveal

i dont think any of this is a big secret, it should be beyond obvious to anyone above the age of 22 that the corporations in charge and their suit & ties only care about money and not their customers. And this trend of totally disregarding common sense & the actual fan, all to make a buck, needs to be stopped. it would take any employee or member of the community about 5 minutes to go online and read about what people care about. even though i personally dont give a shit about used games or DRM, i do care about quality companies and how they treat their customers.

which is another incredibly huge leg up valve has over both sony and m$. they are a quality company who has a reputation of respecting their customers, sending out free swag, giving tours to fans all the time, opening their doors and being transparent on social media. they have policies that make sense and always try to help their customer, either with refunds or free copies theyve shown that they're not always about the dollar. amazon is the same, and i heart amazon
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i'm buying a ps4, just saying that i would rather have supported an american video game company because historically it's always been japanese companies

an american company is going to have a better idea of what i want as an american (generally speaking...and this was true with the xbox 360)
nobody felt that way about Steam, idiot

I'm not even pro or anti xbone, but trying to compare it to steam is idiocy

steam had a few games at first (half-life series, valve) and everyone was like eh why not it's a decent server browser

then they started rolling out a store which included a couple other games, then got massively into indie, and suddenly people were clamouring for them to get mainstream titles on steam so they wouldn't have to worry about physical purchases and lost cd keys

Steam came out of nowhere and let people accept it gradually, and unlike Origin or these other garbage ones it wasn't just some shell bullshit with a store attached, they actually tried (and succeeded) in improving the PC gaming experience. workshops, greenlight, huge sales, actual friends lists that are functional and allow you to join in, and making the whole "buying PC games digitally" experience a really well polished and popular model

steam was complete shit when it first came out. buggy, horrible friends list functionality, and forced you to use their platform for games, which may be commonplace now, but was annoying back then given how buggy the platform was....and i think it forced you to be online to launch HL2. which was kind of a big deal back in 2004.

you have a horrible memory
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except it's not a big step forward, because why are you bothering to go out and buy the disc if you're not even going to make any use of it

they've basically taken away all the advantages of physical media, and given you none of the convenience (for example, not having to go out to a store and buy a fuckin copy)

the 24 hour check-in thing is a joke. you sound like a moron, "this is why they require check-ins"

You don't have to go out and buy a physical copy. You can now buy games on release day from your house and download them just like Steam.
Never requiring the disc, after first use, is a fairly big step forward for console gaming. It's also part of the reason for requiring 24 hour check ins.

I don't understand the Kinect hate. MS has stated that you can turn it off.
Why would that require 24-hour check-ins? You've been able to download full games via Xbox LIVE and PlayStation Network for the whole last generation without any kind of online checking.

You don't have to go out and buy a physical copy. You can now buy games on release day from your house and download them just like Steam.
You mean like we've been doing for the past five years with the 360 and PS3?