New GI Bill Passes House 416-12

listen, here's the point i was trying to get across (which could have been outshined by my shit-talking); enlistment rates are WAY down. why? because the fact that this whole iraq deal is a farce is becoming widely known. how do we get more bodies to iraq w/o reinstating the draft (which i'm sure everyone knows was an idea they were kicking around)? sweetin' the pot.

more like pulling the wool over our eyes in my opinion.

like i said, i'm all for the bill. the treatment that our service receive when they return home is an embarassment. i know first hand.

i hope everyone here that's going enjoys the sand and can come home unaffected by the shit they do/see there (abu ghraib). more importantly...

watch out for those IEDs!

Sadly, your points are getting washed away in your political statements in your posts that could be construed as trolling. The Abu Ghraib could have been left unsaid and it has been said over and over that the draft is not an option.
Hell I think one of the main reasons I dont want to have kids is I dont want to drop 150-200k on their education like my parents did for mine.

For middle class families this is a fair trade off.

Plus too be honest, somebody who did 4 years of service would probably make a hell of a lot better student and get much more out of it then most of us who went right to college at 18 and spent 5 years boozing.

do you really think so? i'm not trying to be a dick, but do you have children? have you been to war?

i was brought up in a middle class family w/ a father who served in vietnam. he told me that if anything ever happend like that again and the draft opened up he would take me out of the country.

if i had children, i would drop 100k on their tution in a heart beat instead of having to send them off to war.
anyone have a recent comparison of casualties over the last 15, 20 years?

No idea, but it is worth pointing out that out of the casualties, there has been a significant increase in the % of casualties with Traumatic Brain Injuries
No idea, but it is worth pointing out that out of the casualties, there has been a significant increase in the % of casualties with Traumatic Brain Injuries

Huh, thats a wierd one. Muj are going for headshots now instead of spray and pray?
do you really think so? i'm not trying to be a dick, but do you have children? have you been to war?

i was brought up in a middle class family w/ a father who served in vietnam. he told me that if anything ever happend like that again and the draft opened up he would take me out of the country.

if i had children, i would drop 100k on their tution in a heart beat instead of having to send them off to war.

Well, colleges arent going to get cheaper, and as I said I wish they had a peace corp like alternitive with the same deal. No kids for me, call me greedy but I just dont want to raise kids.

Its a somewhat decent solution to a rather large problem for the majority of American families, its a chance to earn a free ride to any state school.
Huh, thats a wierd one. Muj are going for headshots now instead of spray and pray?

They have snipers that enjoy shooting at turret operators. This is why they have been improving the turret area as well as for more protection from VBIED and IED explosions. Another problem with the blast apart from the debris spray is the shockwave that can cause traumatic injuries such as head injuries.
Sadly, your points are getting washed away in your political statements in your posts that could be construed as trolling. The Abu Ghraib could have been left unsaid and it has been said over and over that the draft is not an option.

right...right.. i'm sorry, i thought this thread was about a bill that was being passed by one of our... POLITICAL BODIES to "help out the vets!"

and you're correct, the draft was said to be a non-option, but it WAS brought up... which is exactly what my statement implied.

you see it as a great opportunity.

i see it as a ploy.
right...right.. i'm sorry, i thought this thread was about a bill that was being passed by one of our... POLITICAL BODIES to "help out the vets!"

and you're correct, the draft was said to be a non-option, but it WAS brought up... which is exactly what my statement implied.

you see it as a great opportunity.

i see it as a ploy.

I understand that it was passed by a political body. And you can't argue that it isn't a great opportunity for those in uniform. It's a tool to help enlistment rates and keep our military staffed. This is in no way a replacement to the draft as the recruiting goals are being met, which is outstanding considering what is happening. The bill does indeed help vets, current men and women in uniform and future men and women in uniform. The old GI bill would have covered my college as is because I'm going to a fairly cheap school near home (Nebraska). This expanded bill is an excellent way to repay the men and women who have given more than their fair share. You see it as a ploy, I see it as a tool.
anyone have a recent comparison of casualties over the last 15, 20 years?

last time I looked at the casualty rate in Iraq (and it was a while ago), it was roughly the same as in vietnam. IIRC, a casualty is any soldier that must be taken out on medical for a period of time...however, the fatality rate is way the fuck down.
there was some neocon on npr a bit ago who said that the new GI bill was a bad idea because it gave people too many options :lol:

see, they want people to remain desperate with no options so staying in the military is the best choice available.
This should be limited to veterans, not just any old soldier. You should have served in a combat zone for these benifits.