netflix shows

the new Daredevil season is pretty good. Probably won't be cancelled like Iron Fist and Luke Cage.

Weird that the vast majority of world-wide audiences enjoyed Straight White Male main character with White female love interest, but weren't so into black main character or gay main character.

I'd put money on Jessica Jones getting cancelled after another season or two of interracial dating and complaining.

When it comes down to revenue and measurable metrics, it looks like Netflix behaves like any reasonable company that's concerned with growth and gross revenue. A shocker, really. Who knew the super-majority of humans were virulently racist, homophobic, and sexist? I, for one, am appalled.
We watched the first four episodes of Hill House last night and I have hardly slept at all. :(
Maniac is pretty good isn't it?

I haven't got around to watching it but apparently it's getting good reviews...
When it comes down to revenue and measurable metrics, it looks like Netflix behaves like any reasonable company that's concerned with growth and gross revenue.

This is what I always think about Netflix. They know exactly what everyone has watched. Making judgments on what to cancel is easily justified in cost per viewings.
Joe Rogan's last two specials are good stuff.

I always thought he was p weak as a standup, but I think he's gotten a lot better.
Ozark is fantastic btw, season 2 just as good as season 1, maybe better.

hmm, disagree
season 2 is good, but the "what outrageous plot twist that you didn't see coming" thing felt much more pushed

if you haven't yet, 'the end of the fucking world' is brilliant
would you hit Ruth though
that's the real q

Of course.

Philip Jennings hit it in The Americans.

good shows to watch :

the bodyguard
ozark season 2
haunting of hill house

bad or just boring not worth your time shows :

daredevil (obviously)
castle rock (snoozefest and p stupid)
Maniac is pretty good isn't it?

I haven't got around to watching it but apparently it's getting good reviews...

I liked it. It's definitely different, which I like. Guess I'll check hill house next. Currently catching up on wrecked on TBS