my flying elbow on some bitch

Chen, you should have pressed your advantage. Clinch next time, and land some big knees. And for chrissakes, SWEEP THE LEG. :)
the bouncers who keep beating up people who are obviously pwned are tards, but i see nothing wrong with this
the skinny azn kid doesnt have any self respect and therefore gets him and his gf tossed around
seroiusly tho if you gave him stitches he still got up fast as fuck and was ready to throw down if it wasnt 8v1 so i duno how good of an elbow it was

although his 2 step stagger was lol
maybe if he would have stopped attacking the security guards he wouldn't have gotten beat

like is said, one skinny drunk dude. Pin his ass down, call the cops. And even better, shut the fuck up about it, there is no reason to brag for beating a retard.