[MNF] Cowboys at Bills

i don't understand all the tony romo hate

he's not egotistical, he doesn't act up all the time, he genuinely loves playing the game (could've gone to the NBA out of high school but stuck with football even at eastern illinois), he's fun to watch, and seems like an all around good guy

all the media attention has been well deserved so far.

don't hate

I don't hate Tony Romo. I hate all his nut-swingers that tout him as the second coming.
So with your fickle perception of quarterback greatness and crappiness, Romo must now be the lint that Rex Grossman picks out of his asscrack.
Is there a trick to getting SOPcast to run. It crashes whenever I start it on both my laptop and desktop. Its really fucking annoying
dude, he just got lucky are you kidding me?

So he was just lucky for the first 4 games of the season and lucky being only the 2nd qb IN HISTORY ( Steve Young) to throw for 3 td's in each of his first 5 games? Gimme a mother fucking break. the guys on pace to throw 51 td's this year. and thats if he doesn't have any 4 td games. He's a proven winner ( unlike romo) and he's got the stats to back it up.
So he was just lucky for the first 4 games of the season and lucky being only the 2nd qb IN HISTORY ( Steve Young) to throw for 3 td's in each of his first 5 games? Gimme a mother fucking break. the guys on pace to throw 51 td's this year. and thats if he doesn't have any 4 td games. He's a proven winner ( unlike romo) and he's got the stats to back it up.
