[MNF] Cowboys at Bills

Depends on what you define as good. If you're comparing him to Manning or Brady, let's be honest. There's no active QB right now who would be considered in the same league. But then figure that you have Harrington, Pennington, and Carr also starting in this league, and Romo blows them away.

What is good in the NFL?

i would agree with what you are saying there. if you extend the definition of "good" outside of the obvious two, then yes, i suppose romo would have to be on that list. but the spread of talent on that list would be ridiculous with the likes of brady and manning, (proven greatness) way way way up at the top. and i'd even put favre up there

its like they're fucking up the "good-ness" curve of the nfl, like those asians did in my physics class. bastards!
If the Dallas D scores less than 6 fantasy points I will win both my remaining leagues

If the Dallas D scores more than 6 but less than 18, I will win 1.

More than 18, I lose both.

I'll most likely be looking at 1-1.
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i don't understand all the tony romo hate

he's not egotistical, he doesn't act up all the time, he genuinely loves playing the game (could've gone to the NBA out of high school but stuck with football even at eastern illinois), he's fun to watch, and seems like an all around good guy

all the media attention has been well deserved so far.

don't hate
for some reason my fanatical cowboys fan roommate thinks that this game deserves to be watched over perhaps the final game of the joe torre era

what the fuck
baseball is just filler during the football offseason

it has run its course now

also breaking news bill parcells just said owens "wasn't really a problem"
no, october baseball is far more important than october football
i don't understand all the tony romo hate

he's not egotistical, he doesn't act up all the time, he genuinely loves playing the game (could've gone to the NBA out of high school but stuck with football even at eastern illinois), he's fun to watch, and seems like an all around good guy

all the media attention has been well deserved so far.

don't hate

no he couldn't have.. he was an honorable all-state mention in basketball. to go to the nba out of high school you pretty much had to be dominant in your state atleast
no he couldn't have.. he was an honorable all-state mention in basketball. to go to the nba out of high school you pretty much had to be dominant in your state atleast

i heard this on tv last year, they said he was runner up to caron butler for mr. basketball in wisconsin, thus i have no credible sources unless you can find whatever i was watching last year
caron butler was mr. basketball? did not know that... even if romo was runner up to him, which i highly doubt, it doesn't matter because caron played at uconn for a couple of years before going to the nba, so i doubt romo had the chance to go to the nba out of high school.