MinuteMen Protesters

Uh EndR, the fact of the matter is they shouldn't be here to bgin with you FUCKIN FAGGOT. I know exactly what I am talkin about. Do you? Do you realy think you have the mental capacity to understand anything. And as far what job I am capable of doing? Anything obviously better than you. Do you even know what you arse talkin about? Dumb Fuck.
TheMiz said:
The illegal Mexicans put into Social Security? That's quite a feat seeing as though they don't even have a social security number. They don't put into Social Security any more than my fucking dog does. Don't give me that bullshit. But you better believe they get free medical care when they get sick or hurt.

Illegal's put in. They can't take out till they become "Legal" and most of them don't.
-=TTC=-Serpreme said:
TheMiz, the local farm here has like 80% mexicans. Working shit pits and doing the dirtiest jobs you can imagen. Are you saying thos jobs are just perfect for americans? I dont mind mexicans shoveling shit personally...
People of all colors and creeds have been farming for a long time. While I dont think most American's would relish the thought of the work, its certainly a legitimate form of employment. I personally would be more than willing to spend a little more on food every month to pay for the higher wages of legal immigrants.
Mantis said:
Uh EndR, the fact of the matter is they shouldn't be here to bgin with you FUCKIN FAGGOT. I know exactly what I am talkin about. Do you? Do you realy think you have the mental capacity to understand anything. And as far what job I am capable of doing? Anything obviously better than you. Do you even know what you arse talkin about? Dumb Fuck.

Ok, well, if you want to go pick fruit for 8 hours a day, then go clean dishes for 8 hours a night, all at substanially below minimum wage wages, then be my guest. I'll stick to the cheap labor that provides food for a lot more people, rather than pay you your required wage, and have half of my oranges rot on the vine because I can't afford to pay enough help...
Mantis said:
Uh EndR, the fact of the matter is they shouldn't be here to bgin with you FUCKIN FAGGOT. I know exactly what I am talkin about. Do you? Do you realy think you have the mental capacity to understand anything. And as far what job I am capable of doing? Anything obviously better than you. Do you even know what you arse talkin about? Dumb Fuck.

Did I ever say they should be here?

Did I ever say that we should open our borders?

You want to give back to your country? You want to protect the US? Join the military. If you think they're only in Iraq, you're a fucking moron.

If you want to stop immigration, do it.

But don't fucking talk the minutemen being all about illegal immigration, because all they are is racists retards, and all they care about is stopping the Mexicans.

Don't hide it, they shouldn't hide that.
All the BS about having to pay people shit wages for food services/farming etc is crazy. Were we to put a stop to the majority of illegal immigration our massive budgets for social programs could be reduced and we would pay far less in taxes. Its give and take.
EndR said:

Don't give me this horseshit that they care about illegal immigration. If you're going to pull that shit, let's see some on the north border as well. Or what about the Europeans.

This is purely motivated by hate and racism. Look at some of the posts in here.

I don't mind people "guarding" our borders, but don't bullshit me or any of us.

Problem with Minutemen is the same problem why we can't have people putting on a badge and "volunteering" to be a police officer, or grab an M-16 and "volunteering" to be a soldier.

You need training and lots of it. These "minutemen" don't get it.

Yeah because there are SO MANY canadians coming in to the US and living off the system :rolleyes:
I wonder if the homeless could be forced to work for the free fucking handouts they get daily...

hmm like welfare recipients....maybe they should work on cotton farms???
Blaze said:
All the BS about having to pay people shit wages for food services/farming etc is crazy. Were we to put a stop to the majority of illegal immigration our massive budgets for social programs could be reduced and we would pay far less in taxes. Its give and take.

Once you show me numbers proving your point, then I'll believe you. Until then, you need to understand that there's a reason that illegals ride 20 in the back of a vehicle, and live with 40 other people in a 1 bedroom apartment. It's because they make shit for the work they do.

Show me the numbers, and I'll believe you. Until then, your stupidity is showing.
Is it racist to hate the fact that Mexicans are coming over the border illegally? Just found this on their website ...

The Minuteman Pledge

1. A Minuteman upholds the Constitution of the United States of America, and reveres the American Creed that unites us as one people, our Declaration of Independence.

2. A Minuteman knows well America is a nation of immigrants, and realization of our national promise has always relied upon those who come to America from other countries to participate fully, with their children and descendants, as loyal and law-abiding U.S. citizens.

3. A Minuteman believes that just as ethnicity, race, religion and all such factors are incidental and do not affect our God-given, constitutional equality as American citizens, such factors are also irrelevant in the debate over illegal immigration. There is no tolerance among Minutemen for racism or bigotry - E Pluribus Unum - Out of Many, One.

4. A Minuteman believes in a strong, safe and secure America that begins with borders open only to those who have a legal right to enter, and who have met all the lawful criteria to cross into our territory established by the sovereign American people.

5. Minutemen vow to use every legal means at our disposal to assist law enforcement authorities in identifying and apprehending those who violate our borders, whether they are illegally trafficking people, weapons, arms, property, sexual slaves or any other contraband.

6. Minutemen vow to report to the proper authorities any business entity which knowingly recruits, facilitates or employs people who have entered America illegally, or which cooperates in any commercial activity which involves contraband smuggling or marketing of persons, products or materiel.

7. Minutemen promise to raise our voices -- on cellular phones along the borders of America and in the halls of Congress -- in the defense of the rule of law. The American people are firm but fair, and we share their great compassion for the many powerless victims of cruel, illegal human trafficking and labor exploitation. But we also support our citizens' adamant rejection of the blatant disregard for our laws and ordered liberty represented by the U.S. government's failure to secure our borders, enforce our nation's sovereignty and end the flood of illegal trafficking into American territory.

I vow before God and my fellow Americans that these principles guide my actions as a Minuteman. "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty..." And so I will stand watch on America's borders and in her sovereign interest until relieved from duty by my fellow countrymen.
-=TTC=-Serpreme said:
Yep blaze. Its work. But still, i like to think that america does well be the LEGAL immigrants as a cheap work force.
There are a lot of smart people out there that would be more than happy to come to the US. For example, it would behoof our nation to bring in engineers and scientists from places like India at a time when our universities aren't graduating all that many. People are capable of a lot more than farming.
I'm sure some of them are racist, nothing wrong with that. They haven't hurt anyone or done anything illegal. And what the fuck would joining the military do to stop illegal immigration? Chances are if you join the military you're going to fight overseas, you're not being stationed at our border to stop illegal immigration. Bottom line, the minutemen are doing our country a great service, more than our government is doing.
Blaze said:
There are a lot of smart people out there that would be more than happy to come to the US. For example, it would behoof our nation to bring in engineers and scientists from places like India at a time when our universities aren't graduating all that many. People are capable of a lot more than farming.
no no blaze,i'm not trying to make it look like the only thing they can do is work on a farm. I'm just giving the best example i can. one that i know exists and should exist.

I agree,we should import the best people. Try to get them overe here.

Also TheMiz,any organization is hurt by racists. ANY. But reading the minuteman oath,i do support them.
Yes, Badmofo has a great point. Lets make anyone receiving welfare do the jobs the mexicans are doing. Once someone is on welfare for a certain period of time they start working, period.
blackie420rx said:
Once you show me numbers proving your point, then I'll believe you. Until then, you need to understand that there's a reason that illegals ride 20 in the back of a vehicle, and live with 40 other people in a 1 bedroom apartment. It's because they make shit for the work they do.

Show me the numbers, and I'll believe you. Until then, your stupidity is showing.
Haha, whatever asshole. Your stupidity has shown since the day you showed up on this board. But I guess I'm just a retarded Mechanical Engineer. I dont know shit and I dont have any common sense.
I already told you, I would gladly pay higher prices so people could get decent wages. Unfortunately with the huge influx of illegal immigrants willing to work for shit wages, ride 20 in a vehicle and live with 40 others in a room its not going to happen.