[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

oh yeah, forgot about this Podesta email too.


wow, fucking scumbags

muh scandal-free presidency
havax please don't bring up Tony Podesta's brother, we're talking about rich white guys like Manafort going to jail unjustly for supposed crimes he committed while working for Trump.
there is a lot of reeeeeeing from angry leftists who recognize

the world is passing them by this angers them v much


trump/putin/pence 2020
maybe don't separate them from their fucking parents?

and this is not housing, its prison. for kids.

That's not a solution. Their parents broke the law and are sent to jail while awaiting deportation. Should we place the children in an adult jail with their parents to not separate them? Or should we not arrest people who have violated our laws for the sake of the children? Why do the parents bear no responsibility in the matter?
maybe the time where he goes off on how unjust it is to lock manafort up for thought crimes

reading is FUNdamental

That has nothing to do with the system being inherently flawed or Manafort being rich and white.
i'm sorry sir your reeeee can only be accepted if submitted in twitter screenshot form

you'll have to return to the back of the line