[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Schoolteachers can write off up to $250 for school supplies they had to buy out of pocket.

That fat fuck was writing off 90K/year for his hair, with the results you see.

yeah but the difference is that trump doesn't live off of his government salary

only the worthless fucking teachers who cry that they never earn enough do that

so tax em at 100% i say

they love and espouse socialism so much they should experience it

This whole thread needs to watch that Netflix documentary. Shits crazy yo

Fake news on all sides.

we get it dude we get it already

every jimmy pop corn and fallcuck post now until nov 3rd


get something new to say today please

The FBI clearly raided a cardboard cutout of Brad, the real Brad is in the tunnels freeing the mole children as we speak using his shame and social isolation as cover to surprise the deep state.
who gives a fuck about brad?

the gossip girls do that's for sure

i have never heard of him before and follow politics pretty closely

guess that big tax expose didn't work out for you kiddos did it?

more rachel madcow or bust for the dnc loons

Sorry, I'd type more, but I'm busy fighting off anarchist invaders in the flaming wreckage of Portland. I'm surprised they haven't gotten you yet.

is this shartshooters smurf account?

he sure acts like it

I've seen this routine before some place......


nope....not at the loser mayors home

he has too much money

i've seen this same sad excuse argument somewhere else before


followed by


but wait for it...........wait for it




and another Conservative has just been created

even if they don't know it or will never admit it

Brad is guilty of being white and privileged

Thats good enough for me

Cops can drop him a day long

it's florida

i assume everyone gets tackled at least once a day

for some kind of domestic dispute

without their top on

vanster should move to florida and fit right in

even keep his 17 guns unlike poor brad

democrats cheating


say it aint so folks

say it aint so

nothing says honesty, hardworking, ethical, and not at all desperate or deceptive like a shitloon liberal in my experience