[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread


Are these people actually real? I mean, seriously... they're actually people charged with running the country on behalf of regular Americans?

They aren't the antagonists of a Disney live action movie for children?
as I said it's DNC trying to pull all the stops out to try to deflect and let all the screech bois jerk each other off with false info.
The Dems always have a huge poster board up, like that makes what they're saying correct. Schumer had one up for RBG with her last words, and they had one up 4 years ago for their SCOTUS nomination saying "Do Your Job." Now that trick of only needing a majority of 51 votes instead of 60 has come back to bite them. I don't believe anything they say, especially when they have a poster board up like we're children in school.

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I mean statistically at least one President has shit their pants in office.

I was going to say many people shit when they croak so Lincoln and Kennedy qualify. But, then I thought if they were dead, they can't be considered "in office". So, there's that...
I'm having a difficult time thinking that someone at the end of their life, would be so petty, so per-occupied with their dislike for Donald Trump that they would gasp their last breath just to spite him... as opposed to thinking of the greater portion of their lives in context of themselves, their friends and family.

That's her last words? That's what they're going with? That sounds really petty, and I'm not saying petty on RBGs' part, but those who would exploit her death as yet another opportunity to rally their opposition to Trump.

Not to mention that it doesn't matter what her last wish is... that's not how this works and why should it matter what she wants? She doesn't get to pick her successor. No one has ever had that privilege, why her? why now?

Ultimately she was sour, because she had this planned out. She pictured herself riding off into the sunset under a Hillary Clinton Presidency. How fitting for such an icon of the modern feminist to have the first female President nominate her successor? And Donald Trump came in and blew it all up! Ruined her happy ending. That's why she didn't retire in 2009 when diagnosed with cancer. That's why she stuck it out until 2016 and why she clung to her seat and refused to abdicate... she was hoping to ride it out until 2021, hoping Democrats took back the White House.

So maybe she did say those words... maybe that actually was her dying wish... probably not the only thing she said in her last hours, but the one thing the Democrats could use to resist Trump.
so what? y should anybody care wat she said as she lay dying when rly zog and the lizard ppl r running the place and she was just some flunky like 73 lvls below the nibiru commission?
There is the opposition. There are Liberals, people on the left, Democrats...

... and then there are these cartoon characters ... who can't actually be real people.
lol more rolling blackouts incoming. Gonna be real funny when they have to get more than 50% of their electricity from other states.
Good. That way cali trash will have to stay in the shit hole they created, not infect the rest of the Republic with their insanity, and die when the forthcoming mag 9+ eq occurs.