[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

weren't u just talking about the race war a few hours ago and how u were sad u were gonna have to go out and murder a bunch of lefties

That was you. Fat chink.


Any retard can go out and do violence. What separates my kind from your kind is our strict adherence to the supreme art of war. To subdue the enemy without fighting. Been working for US so far. If not broke no need to fix. You morons are destroying yourselves very nicely. Thanks for that, btw. :sunny:

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Wait so if a Twitter user says that a man is not a woman they get banned but if you literally threaten or incite violence there’s no issue
Wait so if a Twitter user says that a man is not a woman they get banned but if you literally threaten or incite violence there’s no issue

depends on which side

much like with yellow jackets protesting for over a year in France

nobody cared.....zero news coverage

even when beaten by cops and blown off limbs from smoke grenades/flashbangs

but if it involves same issues in belarus then it's like a really really big deal i am told

usa and western news coverage around the clock 24/7

we have approved schedules and corriculum

same way:

blm/antifa burning buildings is peaceful protesting

but lockdown protests are as good as violence and murder itself

hurt status quo = silence/bad/ban/censored.

help status quo = full coverage/good/endorsed/promoted/funded
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other examples include saying something about COVID not WHO/CDC approved


say something bad about 5g


and my favorite example is say that the fires on west coast were a large product of arson

in fact suggest any arson took place at all

list of fires in PNW

this used to have dozens of articles attache to it from local news sources naming people arrested for arson I/II and they have all been removed

complete memory hole.....look at all those removals

they aren't even afraid to censor and remove Trump posts now

they are that emboldened

Scott Atlas claims YouTube censored him like - The Washington Post

Trump can't block anyone......as a public servant

but they can block his content from us

Wait so if a Twitter user says that a man is not a woman they get banned but if you literally threaten or incite violence there’s no issue

No no... if you are with the progressive left and you threaten violence there's no issue.

If you are anyone else... big issue.
I'm still unclear how to find my place, but I guess someone will place me, so I shouldn't be concerned. I am still worried about the fires Vanster is threatening the election with that he says will happen before November.
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Worried about what? The lefts Anarchy 99 plan? The only thing they can do is bleed on us. No need to worry. We have had their entire playbook since 2015. We know what those faggots are going to do before they even get their orders to do it.

They play to lose. BIGLY.
For example. When the riots first started POTUS was well within the law to squash them all like the bugs they are. Wanna know why he did not? Primarily 2 reasons.

1: Allowed normies to see for themselves just how unhinged and just how violent the left really are.
2: Identification of leadership structure.
Most all damage done was to dem controlled insane asylums. Aka cities. If they wanted to shit their own bed, cool. Let them. Which allows for the 2 reasons in my previous post while also helping to build case against the local/state officials who are complicit with their wanna be insurrection/sedition. Also proving that POTUS is not the destructive tyrant the left have clearly proved themselves to be.