[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Yeah... not a Partisan vote at all... it's just too bad that democrats don't have enough influence in the Senate to enforce their will.

Which Republican voted Guilty?
With the news that cuck Romney will be voting to convict trump, Trump should tweet the following pic:


And nothing else.
the impeachment trial is over but we still got a lotta questions about ukraine so we're gonna need to keep those investigations open !
Now that Mueller has got Bolton flipped and lulled Trump into a false sense of security, I don't know how anyone can argue that he hasn't laid his trap beautifully. Probably gonna be any day now.
Not even close to the 67 needed. Massive vote in his favor. Almost wish one was 49 51 but nothing happens since need 2/3s. The reeeee would be heard on Pluto.

Butt a chug chug just took the popular vote lead also...


bernie can't beat a homo with no life experience outside of chugging big fat ones.

85% reporting