[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Correction below: [strike]A Hillary guy named Mook had control of the app that counts the votes. What a surprise.[/strike]

A smartphone app, which was reportedly made by a firm called Shadow, appears to be at the center of the confusion. The app was designed to help precinct chairs send the results to the Iowa Democratic Party headquarters, but reports that volunteers were unable to download or properly use the app suggest that this new way of doing things did not go smoothly. A number of volunteers resorted to calling the state party to report results, and many reported being left on hold indefinitely due to busy phone lines.

Shadow ... lol

Oh Buttcrack had involvement too hehehe
Buttigieg campaign paid firm that developed voting app blamed for Iowa caucus delays : WayOfTheBern

Oh wait Buttcrack says he did not have involvment... Can't keep up with the Dem madness....
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"Hey bro, what should we say during our closing statement?"

"Dunno bro, Harry potter quotes?"

"Yea sure, but make sure we throw in how trump is going to give Alaska to Russia."

On the bright side.. this time in our lives will be required reading for political science majors for 100's of years
Too much MAGA. They can't hang

but they always try to tell people that they are the smartest and best of us

cant you see it with your own eyes? :lol:

(ps: ya all been going to town on that ass this morning, certainly not quiet and fuckin funny reading it all)
Anybody who praises their "team" like that is a mouth breather. None of these creeps running are looking out for us, just their friends and almost nobody ever has.
No shit. Why do you think Trump won? What trump isn't is a politician. He isn't a diplomat. He has brought success and a tremendous economy but you are too blinded by tds to see it.

The only ones grabbing your freedoms and wallet atm is democrats.
You have tds. Even I know the impeachment trial is horseshit. I voted for Trump and I have the right to say he is a Zionist shill. But because I call some youtube Trump fanboy a faggot you instantly assume I am some whacked out leftist?

Andrew Yang shifts blame to Trump for Iowa Democratic caucus debacle

Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang ripped President Trump after the voting app commissioned by the Iowa Democratic Party to count Democratic caucus voters experienced a technological error.
