[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

or do.......that way Obama and DEMS can own this economy that is going to be in recession again by 2019 anyways

thats what they say but not so sure, yeah theres been a drop in consumer confidence spending

so the tariffs with china is having an effect but we're talking about a 20 trillion economy

dont believe much will change even if dems take the house and reps keep the senate

if the dems get both, yeah we can expect a huge downturn in the economy and we all lose
I'm a little curious what your inference is still. Are you saying that they're making rigged voting machines to bring to America and they've been planning this since 2016? Or are you just upset that China is giving the Trump's patents so there must be some sort of unnamed quid pro quo?

Not mad and not implying anything. Just found it humorous that something that needs to be trusted will brandish the name of someone who compulsively lies on a daily basis.

Not mad and not implying anything. Just found it humorous that something that needs to be trusted will brandish the name of someone who compulsively lies on a daily basis.


I also find it funny that a politician will have something to do with politics and the political process

that this is the text book definition of that term now
OK, who do you think is coming out on top tonight.. Left or Right.

I think its going to be close, but i believe the right is going to edge the left out, and all hell is going to break loose
libtard npcs have no choice. she’s the player on their team. Must vote.


I mostly hold the media to blame here. they know no better. they only see what is presented to them. they have no fucking clue what's really going on in the background.

i don't like it, but get that people vote for their blue team/ red team sports regardless of what the person brings to the table.
but in her case how dumb do you have to be to think she's looking out for your interests. and she gets the overwhelming vote.
bruh, in massachusetts u vote democrat or else tony from the union will come by and break ur kneecaps

i'll vote 4 pocahontas and keep my knees any day lemme tell u wat