[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

u seem to b struggling with a simple concept here let me help u out

if u use it in an official capacity it's subject to the constitution
i actually appreciate the trolling very much i probably would have stopped coming to the forums if it wasn't for president trump, this place is boring af
im sorry u guys lost in court now you'll have to look at the memes on trumps twitter page

No, I do agree. But its a two way street.... If twitter is considered a public forum I dont see how they can ban any citizen from using it...

they don't grasp the two way street part

but that is ok because cael also tops everyones block list on TW

Public officials throughout the country, from local politicians to governors and members of Congress, regularly use social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook to interact with the public about government business.

“This ruling should put them on notice, and if they censor critics from social media accounts used for official purposes, they run the risk that someone will sue them and win,” he said of public officials.

Now it is our turn.......block us on twitter and we sue

block our accounts on Twitter and we sue for blocking our path to the now public forum and national conversations taking place online.

And here I thought the Alt-Right was going to be systematically removed and censored from everywhere online but GAB.......but we back in the game boys

Thank you Judge Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald, who was appointed to the federal bench in 1999 by President Bill Clinton......you are doing KEK's work for all of us here

We got a win boys! :lol:

got dam it is worth millions now

it is a collectors item on limited release

i think we gonna have to give trump credit for being this kind of a wealth producer........then he gonna auction it to NEW YORK times......and go ahead and have the meeting with KIM anways

44d chess and cheese for them rats
Rachel Dolezal charged with welfare fraud - TheHill

Going for the full black experience I guess. Now her name is Nkechi Diallo though.

Despite usually reporting a monthly income of less than $500, Dolezal reportedly deposited around $84,000 into her bank account during the same period without disclosing it to the Department of Social and Health Services. The money came from sales and speaking engagements from her memoir "In Full Color," according to the case file.


her book money doesn't count she says.....because transracial people can't even read or write

I mean this is liberalism in a nut shell right here

not only did she cheat the welfare system but you know she cheated her tax obligation too
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A New Pact to Defend Latin America’s Environmental Activists

Two years to the day after a prominent Honduran environmental activist was murdered, 24 Latin American and Caribbean countries agreed to a legally binding agreement that will help protect environmental activists from attack and harassment.

The measure, known as The Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin American and the Caribbean, is also intended to give people affected by development projects a voice in the deliberations around their approval, and some recourse if a project harms them. The agreement is the first binding legal treaty on environmental rights in the region.

“This was done with ordinary people in mind,” said Karetta Crooks Charles, a communications officer of the St. Lucia National Trust, who helped negotiate the measure.

Berta Caceres, a Honduran environmental activist gunned down in her home on March 3, 2016, was also on the minds of negotiators. A winner of the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize in 2015, Caceres was one of Latin America’s most prominent environmental activists. She was killed after spearheading an effort to block the development of a controversial hydroelectric dam in Honduras.

She was the 120th environmental activist to have been killed in Honduras since 2010, making the country the deadliest in the world for environmental activism, according to Global Witness.

Worldwide, almost 200 environmental activists were killed in 2017, the group says, a fourfold increase since data was first compiled in 2002. Sixty percent of the killings, they say, were in Latin America.

“Justice is rare,” Global Witness said in a news release announcing the data. “Assassins are usually hired by businessmen or politicians and usually go unpunished.”

This new agreement seeks to reverse this trend. Signatories to the convention are obliged to guarantee “a safe and enabling environment for persons, groups and organizations that promote and defend human rights in environmental matters.” And signatories are legally bound to investigate and punish attacks whenever they occur.

The agreement will help address more subtle forms of intimidation and harassment aimed at environmental activists as well, experts say. NGOs are often sued for defamation as a result of the legitimate concerns they raise about development projects, directors are sued in their personal capacity, and governments have been known to withdraw or block funding to NGOs which question projects.

“This is not just a Latin American issue, it is also an issue in the Caribbean,” explained Danielle Andrade, an environmental lawyer from Jamaica. “We have seen a lot of social conflict in the region when people feel like they don’t have a voice in how decisions are made that affect their lives.”

In addition to compelling stronger protections of environmental defenders, the convention is designed to:

increase access to information about pollution and development projects
guarantee public participation in the assessment of a project’s impact
ensure that all stakeholders—especially vulnerable populations who may face barriers due to language and costs—have an opportunity to contribute to deliberations
provide technical and legal assistance to individuals and groups who are harmed by a project
“The declaration puts the needs of vulnerable people front and center,” explained Nicole Padda, an environmental lawyer, who participated in the negotiations.

Costa Rica’s President Luis Guillermo Solis told the Guardian that the pact was “crucial for the very survival of our species.”

“This never would have happened without the active engagement of civil society,” said Carole Excell, a director of the Access Initiative at the World Resources Institute, who played a coordinating role, and offered technical insight, in the negotiations. “An amazing network of activists from throughout the Caribbean and Latin America have worked for six years to bring about this agreement.”

Now that the convention has been adopted, states can ratify the agreement at the United Nations in September. Once 11 members have ratified the agreement, the agreement will come into force.

“The agreement is a critical step forward, but there is more work to do,” said Andrea Sanhueza, a Chilean expert on public participation in government decision making. “We need governments to ratify the agreement and then ensure compliance and implementation

Global Witness and the Access Initiative at the World Resources Institute are grantees of the Open Society Foundations.