[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread


counting every tear
Owebama was so popular he had to invoke Goodwin law last week in hopes of his entire 8 year legacy not being entirely undone by Trump in just the first year..........

Ahhh USA. I think the funniest part is using presidential memorandumbs and executive action to get things done. See - the plan was simply this - under Obama - use memos in place of doing it the right way - by legislation though the process. They thought it wouldn't matter because they figured they had a Magic The Gathering Combo Lock in place. You know, why bother with that shit since a dem was going to win presidency and eventually dems were going to take over the house and senate and there wouldn't be a troublesome republican party or GOD FORBID - a Donald Trump. Now, the Don is simply easily undoing a bunch of stupid memos and temporary orders. It's like all his shit was built with kleenex and spit rather than concrete and iron. They banked on fair weather and they got a hurricane. Easy come - easy go. They are to blame.

The constitution defines how things should work. Try to get around it? You are trying to subvert the will of the American people. We bite back. Sometimes hard.