[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

In countries like the UK and Germany (as well as other countries with protectionist governments backing up muslims) you can already be rounded up by the police for saying bad things about muzzies.

They really wanted to do that here in the US, I think if Hillary had won they would have pushed that agenda through. Instead you see the techno-monopoly companies trying to structure their own form of totalitarian rules, if the cancer spreads to the ISP level you might have a difficult time maintaining an account to stay connected. The only thing stopping them is the greed factor.

Every system you can think of to get around this they can create a rule that gets you kicked off for using it, or worse.
@realDonaldTrump said:
If NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country, you will see change take place fast. Fire or suspend!

You heard the president, stop watching football or you hate america.
That shit is hilarious.

He's only saying what most people think already about the NFL -why else would viewership be down and the NFL lost millions last year?

I'm sure there are other (cough cough RACIST!) reasons instead of taking responsibility for their bullshit, haha!


Yes, the NFL is struggling mightily...

NFL pulled in $14 billion in revenue during 2016 season

NFL TV Ad Revenue Hits Record $3.5 Billion Despite Drop In Ratings

You cucks just keep boycotting because you don't like what their free speech has to say. There's plenty of NASCAR and WWE on Sundays for you.

Yes, the NFL is struggling mightily...

NFL pulled in $14 billion in revenue during 2016 season

NFL TV Ad Revenue Hits Record $3.5 Billion Despite Drop In Ratings

You cucks just keep boycotting because you don't like what their free speech has to say. There's plenty of NASCAR and WWE on Sundays for you.

Forbes Welcome

O hey, somewhat conflicting articles from the same source. Btw, did you see where CBS is down -35%? As per your MO, you only read the headline, oops.

Of course, you did confirm that viewsership is down as I said. Plus read this ( but I know you wont): The NFL is getting hammered after another game in a half-empty stadium - Business Insider

Let's see if you can really figure it out. Doubtful.

What part of record total revenue and record ad revenue is the difficult part for you to grasp SS?

Also, viewership is down across all television. This is not an NFL exclusive. Millennials don't watch TV.

I also love that your article about the NFL getting hammered cites one of the worst teams in the league with some of the worst fair weather fans.

Meanwhile teams like the Steelers, Broncos, Packers, and the other half of the league have decades long waiting lists for season tickets, and have sold out every game for the last 50 years regardless of how good the teams are.
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Trump single handedly destroyed the USFL. He definitely knows what's best for the NFL.

I think he should offer Vegas advice on how to run casinos next.
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I can't say i really care much about the nfl players kneeling.

What i do kind of find a little stupid is when i see peewee football players doing the same thing.
I am not concerned. NFL players I am sure know that rednecks finance their game. They also know that millennials are hard working, money earning folks that I am sure will cover what the rednecks refuse to pay.

White privilege? I'll tell you what that is. Is it whites paying you to play a football game for millions. That is white privileged. Enjoy it while it lasts
ps... the fucks in the NBA know this. They understand this. That is why you don't see them kneeling. They know they will lose their cash.

White Power!!
Forbes Welcome

O hey, somewhat conflicting articles from the same source. Btw, did you see where CBS is down -35%? As per your MO, you only read the headline, oops.

Of course, you did confirm that viewsership is down as I said. Plus read this ( but I know you wont): The NFL is getting hammered after another game in a half-empty stadium - Business Insider

Let's see if you can really figure it out. Doubtful.

Zomg a half empty stadium! That's proof that the "NFL is losing money.:


Just admit you're wrong and stfu. Show a little integrity. Thanks.

The NFL shit is important because it's spreading. I don't really give a fuck if people stand or sit or pick their ass during the National Anthem, but these 'privileged' stars are turning it into an issue to make a political statement in order to tear down the foundation of this country.
Why is a national anthem sung at a sports game :confused:
The game is already politicized, what with the F18 flyovers, the appeals to "teamwork" "community" the flag and militarism. The NFL and pro sports in general are key to Federale agitprop.

Who is selling these guys the parts and tech needed to even build one of these bombs? How is it that a backwards isolationist country like North Korea, which can barely keep the lights on with electricity... somehow managed to develop and deploy a missile and possibly a nuclear device when far more capable countries like Iran are easily thwarted with a great deal of vigor?

We bombed and physically sabotaged Iran at the drop of a hat to keep them from the bomb... yet, we pander to North Korea's repeated demonstrations of open defiance and rhetoric.

War should be decisive and brought to a conclusion as quickly as possible for the sake of everyone involved. Military and Civilian. It is never a good idea to let war or the threat of it linger and persist or it ultimately impoverishes the nations caught in it. In WW2 America fought all out, two first-rate military powers in total war for only 3 years to bring it to an end. WW2 was only 5 years and look at the toll in lives and material it cost everyone involved. But it ended and ultimately today the world is a better place from its aftermath. Germany and Japan are allies and we all prosper together. No one wants too or would even consider firing at each other in anger today.

Some feel that there shouldn't have been a WW2 had we finished the job in WW1. We didn't have the resolve to see it through to the end. We were worn out, and tired of 4 years of fighting and a million dead. So we signed an armistice with Germany... then, 20 years later we had to go back and finish the job at even greater cost. I know there is more to it than that, but that's basically what happened. We didn't finish the job some say and we chose a soft solution and grew complacent.

The same goes with the war in Korea. We wiped North Korea off the board. Then China put them back on the board and we fought China to a stand still. At which point we had lost the resolve to finish the war and decided an armistice was needed. Maybe we couldn't afford total war with China. Apparently China agreed that this was not going to end soon enough. So there we've been ever since. The war on pause... for 50 years. Has the situation improved any? Are we any closer to ending the war? Do we really think this can go on for another 50 years?

In Japan a swordsman is taught to hone and practice his skill to make quick and precise cuts that are as clean as possible. Finish an opponent quickly, a poor cut is regarded as inhumane. It causes needless pain and suffering. In hunting, you aim to bring down an animal quickly. You don't let them bleed out in stressful agony. It's not ethical. The situation in Korea has been left bleeding for over 50 years and it isn't going away the longer we just ignore it with talk and more talk of sanctions.

Sooner or later, "Rocket Man" might actually get his hands on a bomb that ends up in someones backyard. Then the discussion will be why we let it get to this point and pass the ammunition.
What a bunch of self serving bs you've dished up here.

THE US didn't send troops in WW1 until spring 1918 - 3 and a half years after it started! :lol: Up until then y'all were writing loans to France and England which finally paid them off - only a few years ago. :satan:

AS for the Euro theatre in WW2, the US lost fewer soldiers than the Russians did at Stalingrad! The US's role in the Euro theatre of WW2 mainly consisted of selling arms. The US didn't send any troops to Europe until everyone (except Hitler) knew that Germany has lost.

You're low iq and ready acceptance of brainwashing suggest employment with the army. But please update your self serving revisionist bs historical views. TIA.

That is all boot, You're worth nothing but cannon fodder. You are dismissed.
and people are watching shit like the redzone

using cbs as an example of the nfl "losing money" is just fucking dumb