Married people

BigPappa said:
My wife dont give a shit if im on the computer all day or not, if she wants to get laid she knows that I will walk away from the computer for a minute or two :D

wow, your wife is uh, a very "lucky" woman... :ugh:
I got a little carried away about a year ago and we had a pretty big fight about it in the middle of the night. I left and when I came back my T2 CD was broken and I was sleeping on the couch. I got the wake up call and began spending a lot less time on the computer. I cut it in half which, to my dismay, was actually hard to do. That helped a lot.

Recently I've been recording music for a CD and have discovered that it's not how I spend my computer time it's just that I'm not with her. She got pissed at me yesterday because I didn't want to watch Sunday afternoon PBS TV and chose to play BF1942 instead. I don't have a 'kill your television' sticker on my guitar case for nothing.

She wants my attention which she had all day Saturday...I'm usually happy to be solo. Finding a ballance is a problem and the computer/TV is usually the fall guy.