Married people

married 4+ years... time at the comp is number 1 fight generator... but it doesn't happen much.

and i mostly deserve any grief :rolleyes:... i can't manage time on games well...:(
AngusMustang said:
married 4+ years... time at the comp is number 1 fight generator... but it doesn't happen much.

and i mostly deserve any grief :rolleyes:... i can't manage time on games well...:(

yea obviously my time management sux with comp/wife otherwise i would do this thread
Well luckily we both have computers and have a common interest playing tribes. He is into his art programs which ends up with him on the comp. more then I would like some days if he has that ideal pic in his head to make. ;) As long as he helps me out around the house Im cool with his being online. We both go to bed about 9:00 and spend about an hour awake talking etc then. Seems to work pretty well. We have strip bars in the area so I'd much rather him home then there. :D
Jazmine said:
Well luckily we both have computers and have a common interest playing tribes. He is into his art programs which ends up with him on the comp. more then I would like some days if he has that ideal pic in his head to make. ;) As long as he helps me out around the house Im cool with his being online. We both go to bed about 9:00 and spend about an hour awake talking etc then. Seems to work pretty well. We have strip bars in the area so I'd much rather him home then there. :D

yeah i wish myy wife would be more like you, well you know what i mean. Having an interest in the PC period. She doesn't. She really only likes to talk to her family thru chat online, and that's about it really, not much else. I would like for her to find an interset and that she would like to do on the pC, that would take up as much time as I'm on it, but that's never gonna hapen.
Maybe there is a program out there she might be interested in.. Art, cards, etc.. I dont know, just about anything is out there if she wants it.. If she likes soaps etc there are plenty of sites for that as well. :)
Jazmine said:
Maybe there is a program out there she might be interested in.. Art, cards, etc.. I dont know, just about anything is out there if she wants it.. If she likes soaps etc there are plenty of sites for that as well. :)

I nkow she wants to go to school, im sure if she finds something online for that itll be cool i guess, dunno........ but she works doing daycare, i dont konw what can there be online as far as that goes.
It comes up quite a bit. Im 27, been married a bit over 5 years and just recently had our first child. We have drilled this subject into the ground and then revived again for some more disussion. Ultimatly all of our conversations come down to... I hate watching TV and that is what she does with her time. Even more than hating to watch TV... I hate watching the shit that she chooses to watch. Now that we have a kid there is more to do together in the evenings. On the weekends I try to go out shopping with her some, and we always go out to eat several times a weekend (even with the baby). I have always iterated to her that the computer and gaming has always been my hobbies... she has always known this about me (we dated for most of our lives). I always tell her that the problem is not that I have a hobby, its that she doesnt have one. She is not interested in the computer or the internet either... sounds similar to your wife. I dunno about you but when I was growing up my parents did very little together due to all the other "duties" of having kids and upkeep on a house, cars... The only time I see that most married couples spend together is in front of the TV, and then on the weekends they shop or may go to the lake or something. Anyhow, I know this doesnt probably help your situation much, but I can relate :) Good Luck!
hehe, not going to be married until june of next year but she doesnt mind me being on the computer at all. She knows that it is my work/hobby and she understands that. I couldnt have asked for a better wife! :D