Manned SpaceX launch [LIVE]

There was a satellite launch using a Falcon9 on Wednesday. The Falcon9 lost contact just before touch down on the drone ship, but they switched to the ship and the signal was good for the landing. You get to see the entire touchdown in this video.
Have an ETA for the return yet?
Not yet.
How SpaceX's Crew Dragon Demo-2 mission will work in 13 steps | Space
"The Demo-2 astronauts will spend anywhere from 30 to 119 days at the International Space Station — NASA and SpaceX have not yet decided exactly how long the mission will last. The duration of the Demo-2 mission will depend on the state of the Crew Dragon capsule in orbit as well as the progress on the next Crew Dragon vehicle, which is slated to launch the first operational mission, called Crew-1, as early as Aug. 30. "
The same craft they went up in.

This is cool.

It's amazing how far they've come in such a short time.

That's so cool. Here's a nice comparison to the Boeing Starliner...

Looks like all that work failed for Boeing.... Didn't know that... I heard they had a delay, I was just not aware of how critical that was to their program. I have to keep in better touch with the space program. So much has gone on and changed.
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Here's the live return stream. Supposed to land at 02:48pm EST Sunday 08/02/20.

How it's done.
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Yeah, the Trump boat was funny. They're talking about it in articles.
"There was one unexpected problem that could have endangered the operation: Once the capsule was in the water, private boats “just made a beeline for it,” and got too close, said NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine, promising to do better next time at keeping sightseers on pleasure boats safely away. NASA video showed one vessel flying a large campaign flag for President Donald Trump."

Give me a break. The boats eventually backed off and made a horse shoe around the capsule.

What blows my mind is how they all went to Houston to have a press conference. Musk and company had to fly from California, while the Dragon crew flew from Pensacola. This is the press conference.

I think of this because I've often flown across the country and thought to myself, "I was on the other side of the country a few hours ago." But imagine the astronauts. Spent 2 months in space, they were 200 miles high circling the earth at 17k mph, splashdown in the ocean, fly to Houston, and do a press conference.
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