[Mage] Constructive Arguments

uhhh Incanter's doesn't proc from priest shields, paladin shields or Valnyr anymore therefore it's 100% useless.

Gemming a yellow full haste gem is completely ridiculous though.

Slow isn't a wasted point if it's in your LK spec (but lol that's not this guy). Also, Slow isn't really a bad point to spend anymore simply because there's about five points of flexibility now.

he said he does everything possible to maximize big damage numbers, he would be using Incanters as well (or was).

I still kept it in my spec; I just pug raided and never came close to running out of mana, so some fights I'd toss a mana shield or ward up.
he said he does everything possible to maximize big damage numbers, he would be using Incanters as well (or was).

I still kept it in my spec; I just pug raided and never came close to running out of mana, so some fights I'd toss a mana shield or ward up.

Applying wards to yourself is a pretty big DPS loss, regardless if you have the mana to or not. That's three free points to put towards much better utility.

What made it so good was having shields etc. applied to you, not casting them on yourself.
I forgot to add Terra secretly wants to have my children, despite the fact they will be stupid it would more than make up for it in sheer entertainment value.

And I already broke the 20-stack on Tenacity even before WG came out, some of you faggots can keep trying but it has the futility of trying to dodge while pissing into the wind.
Applying wards to yourself is a pretty big DPS loss, regardless if you have the mana to or not. That's three free points to put towards much better utility.

What made it so good was having shields etc. applied to you, not casting them on yourself.

Not if it's before the fight starts :twak:

Or during Toravon I will use a fair amount of Ice Ward because A: the adds are never killed quickly and rip thru the ranged B: I'm usually on the adds being ranged and C: It helps me kill the adds quicker by taking it to the face and not losing casting time (instead of running screaming heal heal heal fuck i hate pugs heal heal)

Would this be as practical with a group of people who knew what they are doing? probably not.
If you want to waste three points in a spec to apply a ward to yourself before the fight starts, be my guest.

More importantly, Mages get bloodlust with Rocket boots. Suck it hookers.
I told you before, he's stacking haste over spellpower and gemming for socket bonuses even when it's a dps loss.

Any ICC geared arcane mage in a 5 man will do 5000+ dps without breaking a sweat, and on single target bosses who die before Images-AP-IV expire they will easily crack 10k dps. Add a boomkin/shaman to that 5 man and 15k is cake.

If he's saying he does a sustained 15k dps on a 25 man raid boss, he's completely full of shit.

I may not play a mage, but I'm pretty sure OOM'ing three times in a boss fight (with evocation) and keeping resto druids around specifically to innervate you is a baddie.
Especially with the mage mechanic changes in Cataclysm. Something about doing more damage based on how much mana you have. So you'll be hitting like a kitten when your nearly OOM.
Especially with the mage mechanic changes in Cataclysm. Something about doing more damage based on how much mana you have. So you'll be hitting like a kitten when your nearly OOM.

That was only for arcane. It's a bit early to tell but from the looks of things Fire will be top dog again in Cataclysm.
It is too early you're right, I just wanted to throw a wrinkle out there.

Although honestly I've only gotten as far as the Dreamwalker in 10man ICC and the Plagueworks in 25 man but DPS isn't an issue. Following the mechanics are. I'm actually going to toss frost out the window and make a fire spec to play with it. Arcane's still top dog, but I too think fire will make a comeback and want to get somewhat familiar with it.
Arcane is top dog in straight up DPS, but movement/multitarget fights Fire is right there with it.
Especially with the mage mechanic changes in Cataclysm. Something about doing more damage based on how much mana you have. So you'll be hitting like a kitten when your nearly OOM.
When I first read that I assumed that you will have a higher modifier for damage with maximum mana, and you'd do normal damage once you got lower. It would be pretty shitty to reduce your damage way below normal because you are losing mana.