[Mage] Constructive Arguments


Veteran XV
I had made a post in another thread about mages, and I come seeking the TW Council both for enlightenment and entertainment. I will cliffs the situation. So I will make this thread instead of continuing in the previous thread.

- Coworker (who will now be known as "Jack") is a huge bragger about playing WoW and claims he is the best.

- Jack's brother (who will now be known as "Bill") also plays and fancies himself some kind of savant at WoW, and his main is a mage.

- Jack's DK, which is listed here, is the toon he constantly brags about.

- Jack's DK is solely the effort of Jack's other brother (who will be unnamed due to lack of relevance) and Jack didn't do shit to get the DK to what you see.

- Bill's mage, which is listed here, is apparently the self-proclaim best mage on his realm. His brother Jack claims he thinks up shit about being a mage no one else has.

Given all of this, I am curious both in how mages work as well as seeing exactly how true this duo's bragging is (if at all). But since I openly admit I know nothing about mages, I do know some who do... And those are the TW Mages. So for my education and entertainment, I ask you review what I present and tell it like it is. For clarity I only deal directly with Jack because 1. I see him at work regularly and 2. I get the impression Bill has all the social graces of an autistic person.

Round 1

Jack: His bragging about Bill's mage is rather inconsistent and sporadic, throwing out numbers like 12K, 16K, and a "high score" for 32K DPS. He also claims Bill invents/discovers tricks and tactics no one else has and can out-DPS anyone. I honestly think this is BS, because I know EJ think-tanks spend time probably equal to a full-time job working through theories, rotations, testing on mechanics at every chance/patch they get(even in PTR). Really going to convince me he is some kind of savant genius to a MMORPG?

TW: In surprising honesty both Pessi and Fool fired back. While I'm unsure if Pessi has a mage, it's been widely accepted Pessi knows enough about the game to know what's up. I take it on faith Fool plays a mage or (like Pessi) knows enough about them to know what's up.

Round 2

Jack: After relaying Pessi and Fool's initial assessments (without giving Jack information on TW or the two aforementioned posters) his bragging continued, but added more inconsistencies. He claims all the high numbers are not burst and sustained, he never runs out of mana (even though he say evocation is used) but fails to provide any straight facts and dodge specifics. His final counter was Bill capable of doing 6K in heroics. Obviously even I know this doesn't matter because 1. Everyone is completely over-geared for them anyway and 2. Trash and bosses die so fast there is never time to get a sustained number so it's all burst.

TW: By the posters...
- Fool; Stacking Haste over SP fixating on socket bonuses at cost of DPS. 5-man bragging is useless. A sustained 15K in 25s is complete bullshit.
- JM5K; Way too much hit while still having Arcane Focus, could put into Incanter's Absorption with that much hit. Gemming Haste while under 3K SP is stupid. Claims PvE and yet wastes a point in Slow.
- Pessi; Zero raid progression, a reasonable sign he's not good.
- Mael; Geared for AoE trash. Probably pops Icy Veins and any spell cast with it on will be under GCD and rock charts on trash. 15K on boss is a joke, can pull 30K on trash and no need for that much haste. Guessing he OOMs unless he gets lucky and has an innverate.
- Adroit; Gemming for socket past 3K SP is worth it if it yields 7+ SP, Bill's mage is not. Incanter's Absorption doesn't proc off shields and is useless. Slow isn't useless if it is a LK spec (which Bill's mage is not)
- TheGhost; Believes spell hit cap is lower, probably 190 but assumes raid buffs.

Round 3

Turns out I was actually on vent with this Bill (first time actually talking to him) and relays all the info I gave to Jack from TW. He is completely unaware I was the one talking to Jack but decides to explain his counters to me.


- He will never intentionally go below 1000 haste, because it shaves an extra full 1/10th of a second of his cast times. I didn't follow the exact logic but he firmly believes this 1/10th of a second is critical to his mad DPS. I get the impression he feels haste will make any lack of SP frivolous at best.

- He claims to yank aggro off tanks all the time, and need a really solid tank to avoid aggro. There was no mention of any threat-reduction abilities/spells mages may have, I'll have to research that a bit later.

- He admits to running through his mana pool 3.5 times in a boss fight, and calls for innervate from druids. He doesn't seem to think running out of mana is an issue, and seems to expect innervates.

- He claims to raid, and promptly kicks people who have any PvP gear at all. I take it Khaz Modan has a lot of people who grab PvP gear and try to raid and feel Resilience is worth something in PvE. I rarely encounter people who raid in PvP gear on Bonechewer, occasionally someone will have a piece or two but never a full set.

- He seems to be considered an elitist and yet talks as though he raids regularly. Given his achievements it seems like he just beats on the door of ICC and nothing else.

So what say you TW? Let's hear it and I will update the original post as people reply.
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The guys are obviously morons just like the majority of the WoW playerbase are. What is the point of this thread?
The guys are obviously morons just like the majority of the WoW playerbase are. What is the point of this thread?

The point while I'm more than aware these two are annoying braggarts I want some solid information to call them out on their boasting.

I honestly didn't know if that mage was good or not because I know nothing about mages, but I was suspicious of his desire to gem haste over SP.
The point while I'm more than aware these two are annoying braggarts I want some solid information to call them out on their boasting.

So you tell us that you don't want to theorycraft because you don't want to have the game be boring to you but then you want us to tell you why they're bad based on theorycrafting?

How about you just stop playing with retards?
So you tell us that you don't want to theorycraft because you don't want to have the game be boring to you but then you want us to tell you why they're bad based on theorycrafting?

How about you just stop playing with retards?

No, I want you to tell me what is right/wrong with this ass-monkey's toon from looking at his armory because I know you fucktards don't just theorycraft. You fuckers hit targeting dummies, mix shit around, go to raids, keep raid logs, and do the shit that what and what not turns theory into real results. Oh sure I could do my own theorycrafting and make shit up based on my non-experience at raiding on my own non-80 mage in greens and blues but that wouldn't do anything. I want the REAL 80 raiding mages who do RAID who are cracking heroics who have the experience to tell me specifically what is or is not good about this scrub Pessi and Fool replied on. Are you elitists too busy circle-jerking over LKs 284s and raid logs to bother proving your elitism to a largely-accepted retard and a potentially equal retard who thinks he's tip-to-base-deep in delusional awesomeness?

FUCK I try to go for honest construction here and the damn thing is dead in the water. I whip out a post off the top of my head about how the Council now wants Classic bosses dead for frosties and tris every week because you already done killed everything from FL to Mimiron so you get access to legendary raid food and it's 10 goddamn pages by midnight.

Also, I don't play with this idiot anymore but he doesn't even play anymore but he trolls around my area regularly asking shit about WoW and I want something I can solidly shoot his ass down with so he won't bother me about WoW anymore. Or would you rather I start into mages now too? Hell I went balls-deep into paladins and hunters already, and got the tip in on rogues so why not add a clothie to the mix? Fuck I'm so fantastically delusional about tanking, plate, DPS, ranged, and melee, why not add spell-slinging to my repertoire of suck?!?

Shit like this doesn't make YOUR case look any better I'm the sole problem here. Now nerd the fuck up, goddamnit!
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First of all: You're raging again! <3

No, I want you to tell me what is right/wrong with this ass-monkey's toon from looking at his armory because I know you fucktards don't just theorycraft. You fuckers hit targeting dummies, mix shit around, go to raids, keep raid logs, and do the shit that what and what not turns theory into real results. Oh sure I could do my own theorycrafting and make shit up based on my non-experience at raiding on my own non-80 mage in greens and blues but that wouldn't do anything. I want the REAL 80 raiding mages who do RAID who are cracking heroics who have the experience to tell me specifically what is or is not good about this scrub Pessi and Fool replied on. Are you elitists too busy circle-jerking over LKs 284s and raid logs to bother proving your elitism to a largely-accepted retard and a potentially equal retard who thinks he's tip-to-base-deep in delusional awesomeness?

No. If you really think reading elitist jerks forums (its a gaming forum; what do you think you're doing right now?), theorycrafting and running simulations take so much time that it becomes a part-time job, you clearly have never tried it. WoW is actually a pretty easy game. Use your brain, use your tools and find out for yourself. I've been casual before, I've been a noob at WoW before where d0ggy had to hold my hand and walk me through every ability in a fresh level 1 druid spellbook when I first got the game. I know how bad you are, yet you have no idea how the rest of us function at this game.

FUCK I try to go for honest construction here and the damn thing is dead in the water. I whip out a post off the top of my head about how the Council now wants Classic bosses dead for frosties and tris every week because you already done killed everything from FL to Mimiron so you get access to legendary raid food and it's 10 goddamn pages by midnight.

Also, I don't play with this idiot anymore but he doesn't even play anymore but he trolls around my area regularly asking shit about WoW and I want something I can solidly shoot his ass down with so he won't bother me about WoW anymore. Or would you rather I start into mages now too? Hell I went balls-deep into paladins and hunters already, and got the tip in on rogues so why not add a clothie to the mix? Fuck I'm so fantastically delusional about tanking, plate, DPS, ranged, and melee, why not add spell-slinging to my repertoire of suck?!?

You don't play with him anymore and you know he is a moron. You've even fallen for his trolls and his stupidity many times (yogg saron weekly quest??). Why does this matter then?

And let's be honest, you never completely understood how the rest of your classes work. If you did, then you wouldn't have so many arguments with others about it or post "what should I do on my hunter" type threads. Its OKAY to not know everything Feannag.

Shit like this doesn't make YOUR case look any better I'm the sole problem here. Now nerd the fuck up, goddamnit!

What? Please never stop posting here, Feannag. I'll throw some gold your way if you're ever on my server.
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I told you before, he's stacking haste over spellpower and gemming for socket bonuses even when it's a dps loss.

Any ICC geared arcane mage in a 5 man will do 5000+ dps without breaking a sweat, and on single target bosses who die before Images-AP-IV expire they will easily crack 10k dps. Add a boomkin/shaman to that 5 man and 15k is cake.

If he's saying he does a sustained 15k dps on a 25 man raid boss, he's completely full of shit.
He has way too much hit and still has arcane focus

He could be putting those into Incanter's Absorption if he really wanted situational buffs during most bosses.

He gemmed haste while under 3k SP which is dumb.

He says he is PVE yet he also wastes a pt in slow.

That's what I see off the top of my head and I don't even raid
#1 proof that he isn't the best mage on any server: Zero progression.

If he were actually good, he would have actually, you know, killed something.
My only guess is he geared that mage for AOE trash. His "secret" is to pop icey veins and with that much haste on, he'll be under the GCD on pretty much any spell with IV on and just rock the DPS charts for trash pulls with Blizzard.

15K sustained in a boss fight is a joke with that gear. I can pull 30k DPS on ICC trash pulls, no need for that much haste, but it's probably where he's getting his number. He'd also need an Innervate and a lot of luck to not run out of mana... even then.

If you want the truth. Tell him to log it an put it on WOL. Then you'll be able to see exactly what he's doing.
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Feannag gets completely jumped in one thread to only come back and make another new thread of his own with nicely bulleted questions, bold words, and neatly hot linked Armory links and such.

Got to hand it to you man, you've got tenacity or something like that.
I told you before, he's stacking haste over spellpower and gemming for socket bonuses even when it's a dps loss.

Any ICC geared arcane mage in a 5 man will do 5000+ dps without breaking a sweat, and on single target bosses who die before Images-AP-IV expire they will easily crack 10k dps. Add a boomkin/shaman to that 5 man and 15k is cake.

If he's saying he does a sustained 15k dps on a 25 man raid boss, he's completely full of shit.
Gemming for socket bonuses past 3,000 spell power is preferred if the bonus yields +7sp or more. This guy doesn't fit that category though.
He has way too much hit and still has arcane focus

He could be putting those into Incanter's Absorption if he really wanted situational buffs during most bosses.

He gemmed haste while under 3k SP which is dumb.

He says he is PVE yet he also wastes a pt in slow.

That's what I see off the top of my head and I don't even raid
uhhh Incanter's doesn't proc from priest shields, paladin shields or Valnyr anymore therefore it's 100% useless.

Gemming a yellow full haste gem is completely ridiculous though.

Slow isn't a wasted point if it's in your LK spec (but lol that's not this guy). Also, Slow isn't really a bad point to spend anymore simply because there's about five points of flexibility now.
He has way too much hit and still has arcane focus

He could be putting those into Incanter's Absorption if he really wanted situational buffs during most bosses.

He gemmed haste while under 3k SP which is dumb.

He says he is PVE yet he also wastes a pt in slow.

That's what I see off the top of my head and I don't even raid

lol he's 18 points over the hit cap. I'd say that's one area where he doesn't have any problems.
lol he's 18 points over the hit cap. I'd say that's one area where he doesn't have any problems.

Raiding hit cap for mages is much lower I believe, like 190.

Thats also taking into account everything has misery/etc, but the 290+ is nice to have

I have like 180 hit on my mage, but then again, he's a 5 man noob and really nothing else.