Look at my nasty ass legs

1. Wash *all* of your sheets, pillowcases, clothes in HOT water.
2. Go to the doc, show them your bug bites and tell him/her you think it might be bed bugs. You'll get an Rx for permethrin 1% cream (it's cheap).
3. After one week, repeat the hot washing and cream treatment.

but forgot the boobs
During the last few days my legs have been bitten shitless by something and they're extremely itchy. My immediate suspicion is fleas as I have two cats, although they're indoor cats and have never been outdoors. How they'd suddenly sprout fleas after a couple of months never leaving the front door I don't know. Also every single floor in my apartment is laminated, so they'd have to be in the sofa or the bed. :sick:


Just wondering if anyone has had these particular type of bites before and happens to recognise them. They're all over both legs up to about my thighs. If anyone can confirm they're a certain kind of bug I at least have an idea where to start trying to kill/avoid the fuckers.

Holy shit, I fucking hate insects. :psyduck:

Folliculitis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you sleep in your boxers that you wore all day? Wear tight jeans? Boxer briefs? Looks like Folliculitis, I get it from cycling sometimes inside my thighs.
Doesn't look like bedbug bites, they're usually seen in trios. Looks like chiggers or something too...did these show up after mowing the lawn or doing yardwork? I'm curious about the disgustingly pale hue of your skin though, since it appears they've never seen sunlight I'm kind of doubtful that you'd be out mowing the lawn.

Do chiggers live in basements?

Bedbug bites usually look like this


Easy way to catch them is run a strip of two sided tape around the sides of your mattress. If they are coming out at night some will get stuck to it and you'll know for sure. Might even work with the fleas.

About 8 years ago I lived in a giant apartment bldg with a bunch of indians (dot dots not vansters) and they infested us (93 apartments) with bedbugs. Landlord had a exterminator show up for 2 weeks straight and finally killed them off. Was a horrible experience though
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Folliculitis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you sleep in your boxers that you wore all day? Wear tight jeans? Boxer briefs? Looks like Folliculitis, I get it from cycling sometimes inside my thighs.

think he is right, i would think bites would not be on follicules. those are definetly your follicules. scratch one, then scratch a healthy follicule, see if it infects it. if it does, then carefully scratch follicules to make a TW Logo.
it looks like ingrown hairs to me as well, but check your house thoroughly for bed bugs because if you do have them you want to go full attack ASAP at controlling them or you wont.
Jesus christ that's fucking overkill. A couple of Bengal bombs would have taken care of things.

We tried bombing first, and that carpet powder stuff that you sprinkle and vacuum, nothing was effective. This went on for about 2 months, and we realized that there were probably 10 life-cycles going on in our home. Some things kill eggs, some don't. Some things stunt growth, some don't. Tearing out the carpet was a last resort, but you could make one lap around our house with white socks, and after you exited the house, you could visibly see the fleas crawling around in your socks.
I had a friend bring her dog over that had fleas (fucking cunt) that gave my cat fleas. They have tendency to bite your ankles. Not kidding. I bombed the fuck out of my apt (more than was recommended) and got rid of those fuckers. They're itchy as fuck, but yours doesn't look like fleas.
Folliculitis: I had that and they aren't particularly painful or itchy, just unsightly, and all it took was a mild antibiotic for a few days, and to make sure clothing is thoroughly dry before you put it away or wear it. (I got it when I moved to college, away from home for the first time and had to do my own laundry)

IF it was fleas, you would feel intensely itchy. Fleas don't particularly like humans, so they only bite when they are starving, and they do choose one human over the other based on smells, how much meat you eat, etc.

Bedbugs will leave blood spots on your sheets. They inject an anesthetic which may itch as the numbness goes away.
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We tried bombing first, and that carpet powder stuff that you sprinkle and vacuum, nothing was effective. This went on for about 2 months, and we realized that there were probably 10 life-cycles going on in our home. Some things kill eggs, some don't. Some things stunt growth, some don't. Tearing out the carpet was a last resort, but you could make one lap around our house with white socks, and after you exited the house, you could visibly see the fleas crawling around in your socks.

Bengal kills everything... eggs too. Years ago we had a house next to a river and for some reason the fleas would get awful in the summer. My dog was miserable for a few days. Anyway we figured out that Bengal took care of everything.
OK I've read all this lot and doing some investigating tonight. :sick: They do itch a lot.

I'm not as pale as the photo implies, that's a camera phone pic with the colour balance all fucked up. If you really want I can try to get a photo with my legs looking their normal radiant self. :sunny: Though still relatively pale as I'm British and there's been about as much sun as there is up a sweaty arse.