Las Vegas/Mandalay Bay mass shooting

Because in classic Carebear style... if we ignore something and pretend it doesn't exist, everything will be good again.

Gun videos have made Youtube a lot of money over the years, and no one attributed them to the on-going gun violence that routinely takes place every day in America such that they needed to be banned. However, one sensational event and a scapegoat is needed to sooth the troubling sense of vulnerability that society has suddenly become aware of.

Youtube just doesn't want to get sued... because you know there is an army of litigation happy parties out there looking for something or someone to extract justice and more importantly, compensation from.
here we go boys, the cat lady has weighed in, we finally got definitive proof

You must have very poor listening comprehension. She very clearly tells you what is fact and then adds on conjecture. Very clear which is which and definitely does not bring up any definitive proof so pay attention better.
Because in classic Carebear style... if we ignore something and pretend it doesn't exist, everything will be good again.

A lot of people seem to think this is the case. Ignoring a problem or situation somehow absolves society of any ill that might otherwise be uncovered by the truth.

I can't honestly stand here and say that I know for certain what this man's motives were. I can only stand by the wayside and gather up what little information that others decide to share with the world.

I do know that the mainstream media is not a neutral party. They have interests, lobbying groups, and higher-ups within their own organizations that have a vested interest in the direction that the world turns in the wake of anything they elect or elect not to take part in as part of their coverage process of making the news.

One of the biggest saving graces that the internet has afforded the public masses is the ability to share information. In the blink of an eye, a news story that would have falsified or otherwise lied about a news story 20+ years ago can be largely debunked within minutes of it happening.

When the batting average of a news outlet gets so low, people lose faith in it. What the CNN's, MSNBC's, FOX's of the world fail to recognize is that people aren't centering their news intake from them anymore. They're arguably not needed anymore at this point.

Gun videos have made Youtube a lot of money over the years, and no one attributed them to the on-going gun violence that routinely takes place every day in America such that they needed to be banned. However, one sensational event and a scapegoat is needed to sooth the troubling sense of vulnerability that society has suddenly become aware of.

YouTube is actually financially insolvable in terms of income. The platform is a financial deadzone for Google, they've tried for a long time to find a way to make money from the platform, but have failed to do so thus far. If anything the platform breaks even, but it's never made them money.

Youtube just doesn't want to get sued... because you know there is an army of litigation happy parties out there looking for something or someone to extract justice and more importantly, compensation from.

Google has one of the most visceral litigation experts on staff 24/7 in any corporation on the planet. The idea that they would get sued in such a manor is of virtually no consequence to them.

Pulling from my first point, the mainstream media is dying, everyone's getting their news aggregates from online sources, which happen to largely consist of YouTube as their platform of choice. If anything, this kind of freedom needs culling, and the best way to do this is by warping searches, throwing videos into a virtual black hole where they'll never see the light of day, to remove videos that express views that they themselves don't personally align with, and by giving the MSM a platform to character assassinate YouTube commentators.

Google just fired an engineer not a couple months ago because he wrote a document that suggested the idea that females within the company were being shoehorned into positions that didn't play to their strengths and that their strengths would be better served in other areas of the company.

The soul crushing control of the sway of public discourse is effectively passing the torch from the mainstream media to the biggest tech firm on the whole of the planet.

Google, like the mainstream media, is not an idle entity in all of this. They're dictating what can or cannot be said, and they hold a lot of power over the general public. How many of you use Google Chrome? Have a Gmail account? An Android phone or tablet? I'm pretty sure just about all of you do.

At the end of the day, all I care about is the truth. And if we can't get it from those that take the position of "truth tellers" within society, then we'll have to settle for the dissemination of truth from what the public can cobble together, then compare notes to what we're being told.
You must have very poor listening comprehension. She very clearly tells you what is fact and then adds on conjecture. Very clear which is which and definitely does not bring up any definitive proof so pay attention better.

Cael is posting it condescendingly. He's OFN posting it as it's already been posted in this thread already, it was posted on YouTube like 4-5 days ago.

He's a shitposter.
current and more topical cat video

going to be hard to escape (((youtube))) because they're so viral, youtube app on every tablet/phone/refrigerator/toaster plus if the video site is funded through advertising you wont get very far till the purple haired free-speech-nazis take down your revenue stream.
Youtube censoring a talking cat for the offense of having a different opinion.

Just going after hate speech and racism guys, no worries.
last i checked the talking cat could still upload whatever she wanted

i believe that's called not censorship
You can still post on this forum too, but I'll hide your posts so no one can see them and demonetize any future contributions you make so you'll have less of an incentive to continue your behavior. Don't worry, it's not called censorship.
Yeah, but the demonetizing is a joke, along with un-listing videos so they're practically impossible to find.
Marc Dice talking about it today.

The only way to make money is to put out content, beg people to donate on the side, along with selling merchandise.
oh so they're just entitled to have youtube money and free promotions for their unsolicited crap that gets uploaded to a private platform

maybe we can get big govt to step in and redistribute that youtube wealth
Also, apparently Stephen Paddock is alive and well, was seen gambling at a Hurrah's Casino in Atlantic City New Jersy on October 6.

Someone at the table recognized him and discretely shot an 18 second video with the casino's activity schedule in view to show the date.


CONTEXT: A man at the same gambling table with him noticed who he was and carefully recorded a crystal clear 18 second video of him gambling with his Philipino girlfriend. "Paddock and his girlfriend" were seated side by side, across the table from him at an angle. I'd say that Philipino chick next to him certainly adds some perspective. The guy shooting the video was smart about it, and at the same time got the Casino's activity schedule with a date of October 6 in the video also, to tag a known date on the video. I was skeptical about what people were posting until I finally got a hold of the video, and I have to say, this should be posted.
So how deep does the rabbit hole go? YOU DECIDE I GUESS, I have also cached this video on this web site to keep it from getting green pilled. You can right click it to save it yourself.
Ok, first take a look at this video.There are better copies of this out there, but this will do when I have already burned a pile of bandwidth this month.
Then take a look at this photo and explain it.


Who would do this and not alert the police and news while he was there? :lol:
I thought you guys were all for capitalism that's what google/YouTube is

If you don't like it start your own

:lol: or we could regulate it more (lol)

BTW Google admits YouTube is hardly profitable because of intensive server capital costs... Of course they are going cut all leeching fucks off it's about time
as much as i fucking despise all the ignorant libfucktard sjw snowflake pound me in the ass dicksucking furries on tw and irl, and wish them and their families long tourturious painful deaths, they r right on this one unfourtanetly. libfucktard cucks who run utoob r legally allowed to censor or demoney anything they want.

their heavy handed cuckism will eventually cost them biggly, just like nfl. i41 welcum their self destructive policies. hopefully they keep it up long enuf for other competing cuckfree services to thrive and sink their libfucktard cumstain into aol obscurity.
oh so they're just entitled to have youtube money and free promotions for their unsolicited crap that gets uploaded to a private platform

maybe we can get big govt to step in and redistribute that youtube wealth

No, but wouldn't you agree when someone has videos forcibly hidden that it's considered "censorship" or not?
he shot the security guard before he shot outside

guard shot inside mandalay bay 9:59
10:05 started shooting outside