L4D: Survival Pack 4-21

The update fucked up my server, the daemon kept core dumping. I had to redownload from scratch the whole thing again. After that it worked good. New maps are fun. Survival mode is fun. I only see myself playing it every so often, VS is still awesome.
You need to play with 3 other organized, intelligent people. Otherwise, you get strung out and raped. Or, you run out of ammo then get strung out and raped.
Semantic elements which you have neglected: a lot

I am obviously not referring to you rev, I have seen the skills you play with and would believe it fully if you said you made it half an hour.
hahah i sense sarcasm.

but in reality, we all held fast to a rule that you only use your pistols on zombies. You only use your primary weapon with tank. this allows you to stay held up in your little corner a lot longer, since most times there is only one source of ammo and its generally far away. 4 smart people, crouching for better aim, using double pistols can take down a surprisingly alot of zombies