kistmet fall down stairs receive brain damage

mun u have been terrible for years u were terrible last week when u accused rtcll of "swapping your score with his"

take ur meds and go away
nobody will play me though cuz i am 100% positive any person here is an absolute pussy irl and cannot back up anything they digitalize through their monitor lolol
mun u have been terrible for years u were terrible last week when u accused rtcll of "swapping your score with his"

take ur meds and go away

ya i also remember stomping him repeatedly over and over again for maps on end until the banning started after i refused to go to arghs with him :lol:

rly bro, that brain damage from your mums stairs is takin' its toll :psyduck:
dutch also scared little bitch obv too afraid to have his ass handed to him like everyone else

newbie scared of newbie
i still think you would royally suck if you were to play any game versus myself

at any time, in any point in your life


idk maybe you're a billionaire or born an arab-prince, but for most people life is also full of shitty choices, bad situations, and shittier people.

that doesn't mean the best way of going about day to day is to swing your dick around pissing everywhere and shitting on everything. if you can't find anything good where you are, it's best you move on and find someplace else.
pretty sure people in high up positions, or billionaires, dont sit around on the internet saying 'fight me in x video game pussy'