....K...Don't vote for Donald..the Trump

I think he's playing the cards he has to play extremely well.

For example, no one can stand up there and factually state that "Israel has caused us almost every war in the past century, it's time we cut ties."

There are countless things that he and no one else can say or it'd lose too much of the retard Republican voter block (this doesn't mean Dems aren't retards).

I wish he was MORE bold, like the dumbfuck Trump, but he's doing fine. I have no confidence a Republican will win if it isn't Rand. Hardcore GOPers pander too much to stupid people and will lose the intelligent independents like they did the last TWO elections.

PPP Iowa poll just came out and he may be at the 'kiddie table' for the next debate as he lost ground. His performance at the debate was a disaster.

"Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky, in conference call with reporters, describes Donald Trump as an 'empty suit', and a 'bully'"

That's a pretty dumb thing to say about Trump, considering all of Trumps success..... Not to mention that Paul was trying his hardest to be a 'bully' at the debates and failed and looked weak...

I think Paul should probably drop out of the race and work on defending his Senate seat that he may lose.
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i wanted a clown show

and fuk u if it isn't delivering

PPP Iowa poll just came out and he may be at the 'kiddie table' for the next debate as he lost ground. His performance at the debate was a disaster.

"Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky, in conference call with reporters, describes Donald Trump as an 'empty suit', and a 'bully'"

That's a pretty dumb thing to say about Trump, considering all of Trumps success..... Not to mention that Paul was trying his hardest to be a 'bully' at the debates and failed and looked weak...

I think Paul should probably drop out of the race and work on defending his Senate seat that he may lose.
I'm not a retard, so I don't care about polls that call old fucks up and try to steer the populace by convincing them to not "waste their vote."

Still voting for him.

And if he drops, I'll vote Democrat, just to spite the god damn jew bootlickers that are the rest of the Republicans nominees.

Favorability among retard old religious Republicans means absolutely jack fucking shit if independents won't vote for him.
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I'm not a retard, so I don't care about polls that call old fucks up and try to steer the populace by convincing them to not "waste their vote."

Still voting for him.

And if he drops, I'll vote Democrat, just to spite the god damn jew bootlickers that are the rest of the Republicans nominees.

That's the problem though, people do follow polls, and there are so many candidates that the polls reflect who gets in the main debate and who has to go to the kiddie debate. Paul was in the main debate last time, and if he goes to the kiddie debate then people will see him as weak and losing ground and won't vote for him and that was all because of his awful debate performance. He didn't seem genuine and I suspect he's getting his strings pulled by someone else or he's getting some bad advice.
Yea, I know.

He doesn't seem super confident and cut-throat during his speaking time. Most of the time, he ended before the timer. That's a bad thing to do. He should be fighting for speaking time. Trump got double the rest of the candidates, and he's a moron.

I agree completely.