Just watched Terminator 3

hmm, wtf. i'm definitely of the opinion 1 and 3 were great and 2 was worthless. 2 was an ad campaign for guns and roses with could've been mccauly culkins dangerous older brother as the lead star. the terminator learns to say "hasta la vista, baby"?

3 gets back to being gritty, which was great, and the ending brings the series back to its beginning in a way, which sets it up for future movies. the action was also incredible and it was great to know that he(the t1) was always in immediate threat against a completely superior machine.

KellyMonaco said:
the whole remote control vehicles thing pissed me off...

I don't know, arn't cars basicly just big computers now? Does not seem far fetched that by injecting nano bots into them she could make them do things. Maybe not move around but for sure she could blink the lights and maybe put on some good country tunes...
it's hilarious when people question the unrealistic gas pedals of a movie about robot assassins from the future (also, didn't the chick terminator have nanotechnology or something?)

i found it entertaining, and the end was pretty cool
Nomad said:
doesnt always happen like that. Batman Begins stole what it liked from Burton (meloncholy tortured batman with raspy voice), and shit on everything else...but it was an awesome movie.

except T3 did it shitty like.

No, it took nothing from previous movies. Nothing at all.
People seem to go into movies just expecting too much these days. After years of the same thing happening to people how have they not gotten it yet? Week before the movie come out the buzz is strong everyone gets hopes up. They see the movie, and it's a huge letdown.

How is it possible that this obvious cycle still seems to surprise people?

Just go into the movie knowing that it probably won't do the book/idea/tvshow or whatever justice and deal with it.

Expect it to suck and it does = You are right
Expect it to suck and it rocks = Woohoo!
Expect it to rock and it does = Lucky
Expect it to rock and it sucks = You are an idot who does not learn from past experiance.