[Jobs] Part-Time jobs w/ tips?

I didn't ask for advice on the rent I asked for idea's about a second job. Good job reading what you wanted and answering a question that wasn't asked.
We see a bad trend going. Almost all of us have been in/had friends in a similar situation, and almost all of us have seen it fail. Badly. You're just too immature and don't have enough life experience to know what we do.

It's not like I don't take into consideration what is posted on here, I know some people on here DO know what they're talking about which is why I posted this here.
So you say you respect our intelligence and wisdom, but then you don't want our advice?

Who said shitty jobs? I'm bringing home $35k a year part time right now at 22yrs old which I think is pretty solid while still going to school. I still haven't voided out the idea of having her pay money for rent after reading people's concerns on here.

Oh, so you're in school? Working 2 jobs is SUCH a good idea while you're in school, because it's not like you have to spend time studying or networking or anything, and you don't want any free time to actually spend with your friends or gf, now do you?
I just told you guys my plan and then took advice.
No you told us your plan and started ignoring our advice.
You just began bashing from the begining and just thought I wouldn't listen. Yes it does sound silly to me sometimes even when I talk about paying all the rent however she is paying for her new car and she paid off mine as well.
Why's she need a new car? College students, especially ones paying their own rent, are SUPPOSED to drive crummy used cars. You can easily find a 10-year old japanese car that still runs really well for dirt cheap.

I am reading what you're writing and it's not like I don't take into consideration anything that is said. It's just we do take care of each other financially. Even though I wasn't really asking for comments and concerns on how to split the bills (cause if its needed to be split more it will be) I appreciate it and expected it from TW.
Then why are you fighting it so hard? Because you haven't spoken to her about splitting the bills, and you're actually very unsure about the whole situation.

However I was also wanting any opinions on another part-time jobs that anyone might have had in the past or currently that is makes good pocket cash every night they work. If you have any ideas on that as well Pagy I wouldn't mind hearing it because that was the point of this thread originally.

At 22, you're too young to have a gf in the first place. You've got AT LEAST 3 more years where you should be out having fun, having sex with different girls, partying, and enjoying yourself. I know you have all these idealistic visions of your apartment, but all I can see is a train wreck waiting to happen. It's too much money, too big, for someone you're too young to be settling down with, and in a setting (college) where you're supposed to be working too hard on SCHOOL work, not on rent.
I'm taking the last 6 credit hours for my degree this next semester and I probably should of clarified new car as in new to us.
lol why would you ask here h!red... you know you won't get any real advice.

Servers/waiters at a nice restaurant can make ok money.

You can always sell crack in the hood
I'm taking the last 6 credit hours for my degree this next semester and I probably should of clarified new car as in new to us.

Should HAVE not should OF.

What degree are you getting? Somehow I have this feeling you're going to a tech/community college or trade school and you're getting a low-level degree.
this is unbelievably stupid

like i've said before, not splitting all the bills in half is retarded

and i fail to see the part where your GIRLFRIEND's (read: girlfriend, not wife) college loans, car loan, and other means of financial debt is a responsibility of yours.

if she has all that debt, then she should be living at home, not for free off you.

that being said, if you are having issues and basically living paycheck to paycheck on a $900 apartment, then maybe it's time you either (a) find a cheaper place to live or (b) move back home

either way the two of you need to stop reaching for shit you can't afford
this is unbelievably stupid

like i've said before, not splitting all the bills in half is retarded

Because she isn't pulling her weight and when she does something to even so much as hint she's using you, at that precise moment, the relationship will fall apart. Why? Because she'll begin needing you to do other things, and you will begin to be suspicious.

ayz said:
I fail to see the part where your GIRLFRIEND's (read: girlfriend, not wife) college loans, car loan, and other means of financial debt is a responsibility of yours.

if she has all that debt, then she should be living at home, not for free off you.


What is she doing for you in return? What is she sacrificing for you?

She's a girlfriend, not a wife. The commitment isn't there.

How long have the both of you been together?

Chikaze said:
At 22, you're too young to have a gf in the first place. You've got AT LEAST 3 more years where you should be out having fun, having sex with different girls, partying, and enjoying yourself. I know you have all these idealistic visions of your apartment, but all I can see is a train wreck waiting to happen. It's too much money, too big, for someone you're too young to be settling down with, and in a setting (college) where you're supposed to be working too hard on SCHOOL work, not on rent.

I come from a heavily Christian town, so I firmly believe having sex with a bunch of different people is nothing but trouble. Makes me feel a helluva lot better being 23, virgin, overweight and never having a girlfriend that someone says something like that tho :x.
At 22, you're too young to have a gf in the first place. You've got AT LEAST 3 more years where you should be out having fun, having sex with different girls, partying, and enjoying yourself.

Having sex with different girls = increase chance of getting a girl pregnant.
Partying = waste of money and waste of life.
Some people find enjoyment of out making a life.
Having sex with different girls = increase chance of getting a girl pregnant.
Partying = waste of money and waste of life.
Some people find enjoyment of out making a life.

good god your life must have been sad.

if you find so much enjoyment out of "making a life" maybe you should learn some spelling and grammar skills fucktard
Having sex with different girls = increase chance of getting a girl pregnant.
Partying = waste of money and waste of life.
Some people find enjoyment of out making a life.

Daddy he once told me son you be hard workin man
And momma she once told me son you do the best you can
But, then one day I met a man who came to me and said
Hard work good, and hard work fine but first take care of head
:lol: i cannot believe you are 22 and still have the mindset of a kid right out of high school.

i understand the feeling of needing to leave the nest, but what are your REAL reasons for moving out?

p.s., :lol: