IT'S SADs Post 'em here

Look at the vaxx chuds desperately running interference :lol: you took the most pointless experimental injection ever and they didn't even pay you to play lab rat

wut r u talking about

i am on the list for my 4th round

and get a pat on my head after the next shot and nice words said to me
one can believe the jab is pointless, without also having to believe it's intentionally harming you.

I'm not sure why you threw the word "intentionally" in there.

'Intentional harm' is downstream of the intent to maximize profits and the intent to rush a product to market (negligence)--which one has an avenue to pull off when they are excused of any liability for any harm their product may cause (emergency use authorization).

You make it sound as if the vaccines were deployed in an effort to cull a percentage of the human population.

oh and a fun fact; adverse events from these vaccines varied widely from batch to batch:
I got myocarditis and a pumpkin spice latte

even though I only had 6 months left to left for the past 2 years I endure

i turn my phones to 3G no covid and no emergency alerts
Don't worry kittyloop
your side is winning
Police arrest man in connection with alleged Te Whatu Ora mass privacy breach of Covid vaccination data - NZ Herald

coombz is so relived the suppression and gas-lighting is working

We've got data.
They have an outraged brainwashed idiot.

...She understood names were taken from Health NZ’s Invercargill records which may have included her parents’ details. She believed people could use this information to reach “completely wrong conclusions”.

“The idea that these clowns [could be] using my loved ones’ deaths as so-called proof that the jab kills, when it simply doesn’t, is truly distressing to me.”

Richardson said she was following this matter “pretty closely” and was “absolutely furious” that her late parents’ confidential information was “likely out there in the cookersphere”.
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Don't worry kittyloop
your side is winning
Police arrest man in connection with alleged Te Whatu Ora mass privacy breach of Covid vaccination data - NZ Herald

coombz is so relived the suppression and gas-lighting is working

We've got data.
They have an outraged brainwashed idiot.

You are senile

You watched a few rumble videos and simped out for them because you are a weak minded NPC maga cuck

you are no different than MSM NPCs, except you are lower IQ and more gullible

Dr huff is a globalist
as long as i can remember you're a serial rapist from Chicago
(prolly now compromised by the FED for his crime)
I'm not senile