Is the NFL/NBA taking a hit on viewership?

Ohh that is going to leave a mark

A new poll conducted by the Remington Research Group shows the vast majority of Americans strongly agree with President Trump’s tough stance against professional athletes who protest the national anthem; signaling even more trouble for the National Football League after a weekend of demonstrations.

The survey asked over 1,500 likely voters if they supported President Trump’s belief that NFL players should stand during the national anthem, and face possible fines or removal should they choose to kneel during the ‘Star-Spangled Banner.’

64% of Americans sided with Trump, saying the pro-athletes should “stand and be respectful during the national anthem.”

Just 25% disagreed with the President, with 11% remaining undecided.

Even more problematic for the NFL, participants were also asked if the protests would make them more or less likely to watch their “favorite team’s games in the future.” A whopping 50% said they would likely tune-out if players continue the demonstrations, with 20% saying it made no difference.

President Trump kicked off a media firestorm last week, when he asked NFL owners and coaches to remove or suspend players who choose to protest the national anthem; calling for a boycott of the league until new guidelines are put in place barring such demonstrations.

dear rich spoiled disrespectful sjw libfucktards who think u can do whatever u want without concequences: GET FUCKED! HAHAHHAHAHA

ooooh, were special monied snowflakes. american ctizens, veterans, fans, president of united states, no one can tell me to respect the american flag. we are united.

get fucked. dont like usa, gtfo.
Washington State head coach Mike Leach chimed in on the protests that have taken over the National Football League by its players and says he doesn't understand what's being protested.

Like most college teams, Washington State stays in the locker room during the playing of the national anthem.

The issue has been polarized, especially this past weekend when more than 250 NFL players did not stand up during anthem in protest for what President Donald Trump said about those who he says disrespected the flag.

“First of all, we’re in the locker room during the anthem, we’re together as a team,” Leach said, according to the Seattle Times. “To me it’s not real clear what’s being protested – I haven’t heard a clear articulation of what’s protested or objected to. Me personally I’m proud of this country and would stand for the anthem and respect the flag."

This is about where I am with this issue now. It's become so convoluted and watered down I'm not sure what they are "protesting". Cops killing Blacks? Trump? Social Justice Issues? America sucks? If it's any of these issues yes it may "unite" some but there appears to be no direction. How does any of this address or make positive headway on a resolution to whatever it is that's being "protested"? I don't see anything palpable to prove that they're willing to do anything more than sit on their ass and cry like a baby needing attention. I also agree with the people saying that millionaire sports players shouldn't be doing this in a stadium funded by the american tax payer. Take it to the streets, that's where the problem is apparently. Address it head on. Not in some vague way with no results.
If nothing else this will make the protests go away. However they go, just go.

In five of the seven surprise results, the winning team had fewer players protesting the anthem.

The Jets had no protesting players. The Dolphins had five.

The Jaguars had 12 protesters. Almost the entire Ravens team protested.

Three Redskins players protested. Nearly all of the Oakland Raiders protested.

Across all of the games Sunday, opposing teams differed by an average of 13 protesting players.

How much did the actual point spread differ from what the odds makers predicted? We used the odds makers’ predicted point spreads from Thursday, the day before Trump’s first remarks. (A copy of the data and the regression results are available here.)

The difference between opposing teams in the number of protesting players was closely correlated to the difference between actual and expected scores. If your team had thirteen more protesting players than did the opposing team — the average difference on Sunday — then your team would be spotting your opponent about one touchdown.

Trump effect hits the NFL -- Teams with more protesters were more likely to lose | Fox News
This is about where I am with this issue now. It's become so convoluted and watered down I'm not sure what they are "protesting". Cops killing Blacks? Trump? Social Justice Issues? America sucks? If it's any of these issues yes it may "unite" some but there appears to be no direction. How does any of this address or make positive headway on a resolution to whatever it is that's being "protested"? I don't see anything palpable to prove that they're willing to do anything more than sit on their ass and cry like a baby needing attention. I also agree with the people saying that millionaire sports players shouldn't be doing this in a stadium funded by the american tax payer. Take it to the streets, that's where the problem is apparently. Address it head on. Not in some vague way with no results.

yer confused about their reasons for protest, cuz they have no real reasons. they r just typical butthurt libtards who had a fucking conniption fit when someone with authority reprimanded them for being disrespectful. and like yer typical undisiplined spoiled brat millenial, they responded by flaunting authority by exaggurating their defiant behavior even more. how dare they be told how to behave, by a white male repubician no less.

very soon, they will learn the hard way. ignorant crybaby spoiled ass disrespectful over grown children do not get to misbehave without consequences.
I agree with Snake that it's become so convoluted as to become pointless. Now it's just "unity", which is just whitewashing the issue of police violence against blacks.

The "oppressed millionaire" thing.. well one, they are protesting on behalf of people, not for themselves. Two, when's the last time anyone ever listened to a poor black person?
The anthem is about unity. That's the whole point of it. Protesting during it is openly divisive. If it wasn't meant to be divisive, then why do it during the anthem at all? Why not spend the entire game kneeling on the sideline? Why not kneel after a touchdown instead of some jackass dance? Why not kneel during the coin toss? Kneeling during the anthem was specifically because Colin Kaepernick went full anti-US.

How about asking for a moment of silence before the anthem? The narrative is bullshit and we all know it, but at least it'd be fucking respectful.
ive lived alongside urban black folk in ghettos all over usa. their claims of blaitent racist cops is pure bullshit. tis true, many cops r fucking assholes, and many cop leaders are fucking assholes, and there is a shit ton of bs corruption in court / cop system, but the claim its heavily focused on blacks cuz they b black is total bullshit. they comit more crimes, so they get spanked more often, simple as that.

now as for protesting in usa... no prob with it, so long it dont hurt ne1, damage property, or disrupt others from going about their business (blocking traffic). but what these ass turds r doing is just plain disrespectful to our country and servicemen. no different than burning american flags before each game.

sure, they have the right to do it, but they r fucking ignorant fools if they think burning our flag is going to garner support for their cause. quite the opposite. but in their fucked up sjw minds, if white people dont feel pity for their plight when they burn our countrys flag, its not cuz their method of protest is disgustingly disrespectful, its cuz RACISS!!!
The anthem is about unity. That's the whole point of it. Protesting during it is openly divisive. If it wasn't meant to be divisive, then why do it during the anthem at all? Why not spend the entire game kneeling on the sideline? Why not kneel after a touchdown instead of some jackass dance? Why not kneel during the coin toss? Kneeling during the anthem was specifically because Colin Kaepernick went full anti-US.

How about asking for a moment of silence before the anthem? The narrative is bullshit and we all know it, but at least it'd be fucking respectful.

Instead of doing something useful they feel the need to step on the very freedom that allows them to make so much cash.

How can that not piss off people?
Here’s ground truth: just because one is free to act like an unappreciative jackass doesn’t mean anyone has to view what they do as anything other than the actions of unappreciative jackasses and act accordingly.