Is the NFL/NBA taking a hit on viewership?

Kinda seems like we got some increased fallout today.. prob should grab a helmet

Slidell's Krewe of Poseidon is putting their feet down.

According to an email sent to members, they will be rescinding invites to Saints players Alex Okafor and Kenny Vaccarro who had agreed to serve as grand marshals for the parade.

The decision was made after the two, along with several other Saints players, sat during the national anthem before a game against the Carolina Panthers. The protest was part of league-wide demonstrations following statements made by President Donald Trump throughout the week.

"Both players made a personal decision to become involved in a highly divisive issue by sitting for the national anthem prior to their football game," read the message from the Krewe of Poseidon board. "Although we fully respect everyone’s opinion and believe in an individual’s right to freedom of speech and expression, the Krewe is not interested in having any controversial figures representing us as Grand Marshals.

"We understand while we’re enjoying our Mardi Gras revelry, U.S. military personnel are deployed around the world ensuring our freedom and safety. Their sacrifice, as well as those of the countless men and women who preceded them, enable us to participate in our carnival organization and provide entertainment to our spectators."

Several businesses and lawmakers in Louisiana have also come out against the protests. Lawmakers have called for the potential cutting of state funds to the Saints.

Slidell Mardi Gras krewe drops Saints' Kenny Vaccaro, Alex Okafor as marshals after anthem protests | News |
Big chunk of fallout incoming.. seems like pitt has lost focus

Steelers guard Ramon Foster on national anthem: 'We didn't ask for this whole situation' |

But the backlash from fans has been swift, and Foster said that reaction has angered him.

"In a sense, that we didn't ask for that," Foster said. "We were thrown into this by some comments outside of the business and the sport of football. To see the backlash that I'm getting from back home, from people in my hometown on something I had no idea was going to go over like this or to have to warn my kids about certain stuff that hey, if somebody says something at school you have to let me and your mom know. We didn't ask for that, we didn't ask for this whole situation."

But the fallout in Pittsburgh is a jarring reminder that those few moments of unity before kickoff were fleeting. The Steelers are one of the league’s most storied franchises, but they have loyal fans burning apparel and their most prominent player—Roethlisberger—making a point to publicly distance himself from a team-wide decision that was intended to prevent division in the locker room. (“I personally don’t believe the anthem is ever the time to make any type of protest,” he said.) And their coach, who works for a family that created an eponymous rule to encourage diversity in NFL hiring, has been called a racial slur.

Just stick to sports?

It doesn’t seem possible when the game has changed so much.
I can't believe I am going to quote this fool. I mean I honestly had no idea he still had listeners. This guy is one of the biggest douchbags on the planet and he just fucking owned the left

“The left is attempting to publicly damage, take hold, whatever, of the NFL,” Mr. Limbaughsaid. “And people who are not political — and there are a lot of those in this country, more than you would think — are seeing it. And they don’t like it, and now there’s a president speaking out against it. In public, it is Democrats who are now showing up to be the party supporting actions against the flag. The Democrats are being seen as the party that encourages protest against the anthem and the country itself. I’m telling you, sports media guys and gals, there’s no way Donald Trump loses this, the way you’ve got it going.”

Still a douchebag
if i spent 1/2 as much time thinking about this inane bullshit as some of you guys (hi supertrap) i'd drink bleach and stick my head into a trash compactor
it's called fallout... it's what I have been saying is going to happen.. there is the start. I will let you know about others as they become available.

ps I was right

Gaining steam... don't tell me the NFL isn't shitting bricks

Republicans suggest cutting off NFLs tax breaks in wake of player protests - The Washington Post

“In America, if you want to play sports you’re free to do so. If you want to protest, you’re free to do so,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz (R), a freshman from Florida’s Panhandle, in a floor speech Tuesday morning. “But you should do so on your own time and on your own dime.”

Gaetz’s gripe was with the “special breaks” that sports leagues received in the tax code. “Some swamp creature of yesteryear cleverly defined sports leagues as ‘tax-exempt trade organizations,’ ” he said. “The public pays 70 percent of the cost of NFL stadiums. Tax-exempt sports leagues generate nearly $2 billion in revenue.”

Gaetz was just one of several Republicans suggesting that taxpayers were being ripped off if their money subsidized teams whose players knelt during the national anthem to protest racial injustice. In Louisiana, where taxpayers shell out an estimated $165 million in tax breaks for the New Orleans Saints, state Rep. Kenny Havard (R) has asked for the state to cut it off.

“I believe in the right to protest, but not at a taxpayer-subsidized sporting event,” Havard said. “Do it on your own time. There are plenty of disabled children, elderly and veterans in this state that would appreciate the money.”

Bye kneelers, you lose again.. no way owners let that money go to the needy. no fucking way

This is just awesome. I hope the NFL becomes as popular as American soccer due to the emotionally unstable SJW's protesting 300 black people being killed by cops last year.
More bad news for the NFL. I think we can all agree the NFL will do anything possible to avoid hurting the brand

“NEWS ALERT.... Until NFL players start standing during the National Anthem, Smokin This And That we no longer show anymore games in our place of business. I know that we will lose some business because of this but we need to make a stand!”

Owner Guy Cummins is a Marine Corps Veteran, according to the Facebook page.

Veteran vows not to show NFL games at his NKY restaurant over anthem controversy
god damn.. people are pissed about this. Cupcake took it in the shorts

Sprinkles Cupcakes shows support for NFL protesters, sparks controversy on social media | Fox News

Sprinkles isn’t the only business to publicly express their opinion on the matter. A restaurant in St. Bernard Parish, La., announced on Facebook that it would not be showing Sunday’s Saints vs. Panthers game because the owner does not support the NFL protest.

Bunch of tweets not posting here..

and also, another one

“I apologize to all of our guests but we will not be viewing the Saints game today in house. Some of our local players chose to sit during the National Anthem, which will not be supported or praised at WOW. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you,” Wow Café and Wingery owner Brook Songy Anastasiadis wrote.

Washington State head coach Mike Leach chimed in on the protests that have taken over the National Football League by its players and says he doesn't understand what's being protested.

Like most college teams, Washington State stays in the locker room during the playing of the national anthem.

The issue has been polarized, especially this past weekend when more than 250 NFL players did not stand up during anthem in protest for what President Donald Trump said about those who he says disrespected the flag.

“First of all, we’re in the locker room during the anthem, we’re together as a team,” Leach said, according to the Seattle Times. “To me it’s not real clear what’s being protested – I haven’t heard a clear articulation of what’s protested or objected to. Me personally I’m proud of this country and would stand for the anthem and respect the flag."